torek, 31. marec 2009

PESEM ŠT. 47 (o455)


po mojem > po moje
optimistični. > optimisti.
Koliopi > Kaliopi
Črno > Crno
idiote, da > idiote, ki
ga bo > pa bo
Monteli > Montell
tuk-tuka > tuc-tuca
Malata > Malta

sreda, 18. marec 2009

misli iz svetovnega 3-dnevnega kongresa bogoslovcev v Rimu

CHIARA LUBICH (zelo zanimiva oseba, svetnica današnje dobe, ki je poudarjala preprostost krščanskega življenja), kongres je namreč organiziralo Marijino delo, oziroma ognjiščarji. To je gibanje znotraj katoliške Cerkve.
ZARADI OBVEZNOSTI: Because of (the) obligations

SMRT ZA SEBE: Death for yourself

DOŽIVELI OBČESTVO: Experience of the community

DEJANJA TO JE LJUBEZEN NE SAMO ČUSTVA: Not only feelings, action is true love

BESEDE, KI JIH ŠTUDIRATE, MORATE ŽIVETI: The words which are you studying have to be live trough

PRIČAJTE VSEM, DA JE CERKEV OBČESTVO:Testify to everyone that Church is the community

POMENI DELOVATI: It means to 1. Do 2. To work 3. To act 4, to operate

MORAMO ZAČETI: We have to start

ITI PROTI DRUGEMU JE VEDNO TVEGANJE: To go towards another (person) is always risky

ŠTUDIRATI JE BISTVENO: OBSTJA DEDIŠČINA: Essential is to study: the heritage exists

RODILA PRAVA REVOLUCIJA: The revolution has been born

UTEMELJEVATI NAŠE POZICIJE: To argument, to reason, to establish our positions

KAKO JO RAZLAGAMO, KAKO JO ŽIVIMO: How do we explain (interpret, expound –Sp), how do we live

ŽIVLJENJE, KI TEMELJI NA BRATSTVU, OBČESTVU: The life which is based on brotherhood, community

CHIARA S SVOJO LJUBEZNIJO, NAČINOM BITI: Chiara with her love, in her way (manner, method) of being

ZAČENŠI Z NOTRANJIM GLASOM SV. DUHA: Starting with the inner voice of the Holy Spirit

POZOREN NA BLIŽNJEGA: To be attentive, to be mindful … to pay attention to your near

ZASTONJSKO PODARJAM DRUGIM: I give –something- to the others freely

ZGUBLJATI ČAS Z MLADIMI: Loosing time with youth

URESNIČIM MOŽNOST: I realize the possibility (chance)

KRISTUSOVA LJUBEZEN ME SPODBUJA: Love of the Jesus Christ encourages me

PRIHAJAMO IZ DRUŽINE, ŽIVIMO DRUŽINO: We came from the family and we live (a-the) family

Devoted to the mercy of God

OVREDNOTITI: To value, to appreciate

AMBASADOR MIRU PO CELEM SVETU: Ambassador of peace through out the world

IZZIV PRED MENOJ: The challenge in front of me

V OBČESTVU Z NAMI: NEDELJSKA MAŠA, ŽIVLJENJE Z DUHOVNIKI: In the community with us, Sunday mass, the life with the priests


NOVA DUHOVNIŠKA GENERACIJA: A new generation of the priests

ZA MISIJONE: For the missions

ODPRTO GOVORIMO O VSEM: We speak to everyone freely, openly…

ŽIVLJENJE EDINOSTI: The life of the unity (union)

KAKO BI KONKRETIZIRALI TE IZKUŠNJE: How to realize these experiences

ZAVZEMANJE GRADITI MOČNE ODNOSE: Building stronger relationships

SPREJEMAMO DRUGE ENKRAT NA TEDEN, DA MOLIMO SKUPAJ: We receive –others- once a week to pray together

VSE SE RUŠI: Everything collapse

NIČ STRAHU, SAMO POGUM: Do not fear, just be brave, not to fear, be brave

HIŠA NA SKALI: House on the rock

ŽIVIM DRUGEGA: I live the other

UMRETI ZA DRUGEGA: To die for another

VI MORATE DELATI, KAR CERKEV UČI, VENDAR TO NI DOVOLJ: You have to do what Church teaches but this is not enough

ŽIVLJENJE DAL ZA CERKEV, NE ZA MENE: He gave his life for the Church, not for me

ZELO MALO ALI NIČ POZNAJO JEZUSA IN CERKEV: (they) know very little or nothing about the Jesus or the Church

ŠMARNICE ŠT. o2 (o442)


zahvaljujem > zahvalim

ponedeljek, 2. marec 2009