četrtek, 26. november 2015

THE COMPETENT CHILD (delovno gradivo)

(25:00) Every child should be taken seriously. Jesper Juul, a renowed Danish family Therapist and writer, author of the book “Your competent child – Towards New Basic Values for the Family” lays great stress upon this statement, as to his opinion it is the base of upbringing a child. The child is learning about himself, his family and the world he is living in from birth. Even a young child is capable of empathy and taking responsibility for himself. A child’s reaction to occurrences and acting of others is important at every time and it should be understood as a precious return information to the adult. Upraising a child is no longer a solely one-way-street, with wisdom transferred from a parent to his child, but also a mutual personal growth and development process.

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