
ponedeljek, 27. oktober 2008

KNJIGA ŠT. o5 - 137. DEL (Nosljajoča Flenča (Fleka Ne More Brez Čveka) - An Excess Of Phlegm) (o3oo)

171 - Kaj Je Lahko Varnejše? - What Could Be Safer?

GINNY: Hedwig.


MRS. WEASLEY: Ginny, what is it?

GINNY: I was only wondering when Harry got here.

MRS. WEASLEY: What? Harry? Harry who?

GINNY: Harry Potter, of course.

MRS. WEASLEY: I think I'd know if Harry Potter was in my house, wouldn't I?

GINNY: His trunk's in the kitchen, and his owl.

MRS. WEASLEY: No, dear, I seriously doubt that.

WEASLEY: Harry? Did someone say "Harry"?

GINNY: Me, nosy. Is he up there with you?

WEASLEY: Of course not. I'd know if my best friend was in my room, wouldn't I?

GRANGER: Is that an owl?

GINNY: You haven't seen him, have you?

          He's wandering about the house.

GRANGER: Really?

WEASLEY: Really.



POTTER: Hello.

MRS. WEASLEY: What a lovely surprise.

                          Why didn't you let us know you were coming?

POTTER: I didn't know. Dumbledore.

MRS. WEASLEY: Oh, that man.

                          But then, what would we do without him?

WEASLEY: Got a bit of toothpaste.

POTTER: So when did you get here?

GRANGER: A few days ago.

                Though for a while, I wasn't sure I was coming.

WEASLEY: Mum sort of lost it last week.

                 Said Ginny and I had no business going back to Hogwarts.

                 That it's too dangerous.

POTTER: Oh, come on.

GRANGER: She's not alone.

                Even my parents, and they're Muggles, know something bad's happening.

WEASLEY: Anyway, Dad stepped in, told her she was being barmy ...

                 ... and it took a few days, but she came around.

POTTER: But this is Hogwarts we're talking about. It's Dumbledore. What could be safer?

GRANGER: There's been a lot of talk recently that ...

                ... Dumbledore's got a bit old.

POTTER: Rubbish! Well, he's only ...

              What is he?

WEASLEY: Hundred and fifty? Give or take a few years.

Hedwig. (Hedwig.)
Mum? (Mama?)
Ginny, what is it? (Kaj je, Ginny?)
I was only wondering when Harry got here. (Kdaj je prišel Harry?)
What? Harry? Harry who? (Kdo? Kateri Harry?)
Harry Potter, of course. (Harry Potter, le kdo!)
I think I'd know if Harry Potter was in my house, wouldn't I? (Vedela bi, če bi bil Harry Potter v moji hiši.)
His trunk's in the kitchen, and his owl. (V kuhinji sta njegov zaboj in sova.)
No, dear, I seriously doubt that. (Močno dvomim.)
Harry? Did someone say "Harry"? (Harry? Je kdo omenil Harryja?)
Me, nosy. Is he up there with you? (Jaz, radovednež. Je s tabo?)
Of course not. I'd know if my best friend was in my room, wouldn't I? (Seveda ne. Menda bi že vedel, če bi bil moj prijatelj v sobi.)
Is that an owl? (Sem slišala sovo?)
You haven't seen him, have you? (Si ga mogoče videla?)
He's wandering about the house. (Očitno se potika po hiši.)
Really? (Res?)
Really. (Res.)
What a lovely surprise. (Kakšno presenečenje!)
Why didn't you let us know you were coming? (Zakaj nisi sporočil, da prideš?)
I didn't know. Dumbledore. (Ker nisem vedel. Dumbledore.)
Oh, that man. (Ta starec!)
But then, what would we do without him? (A le kaj bi brez njega?)
Got a bit of toothpaste. (Malce paste ti je ostalo.)
So when did you get here? (Kdaj si pa ti prišla?)
A few days ago. (Pred nekaj dnevi.)
Though for a while, I wasn't sure I was coming. (Čeprav nisem bila prepričana.)
Mum sort of lost it last week. (Mama je prejšnji teden ponorela,)
Said Ginny and I had no business going back to Hogwarts. (češ, da z Ginny ne smeva na Bradavičarko,)
That it's too dangerous. (ker je prenevarno.)
Oh, come on. (Daj, no.)
She's not alone. (Ne misli edina tako.)
Even my parents, and they're Muggles, know something bad's happening. (Celo moja starša bunkeljna vesta, da se nekaj dogaja.)
Anyway, Dad stepped in, told her she was being barmy ... (Nato je posredoval oče, ki ji je rekel, da je trapasta.)
... and it took a few days, but she came around. (Nekaj dni se ni sprijaznila.)
But this is Hogwarts we're talking about. It's Dumbledore. What could be safer? (O Bradavičarki in Dumbledorju govorimo. Smo kje varnejši?)
There's been a lot of talk recently that ... (Precej se govori,)
... Dumbledore's got a bit old. (da je Dumbledore že star.)
Rubbish! Well, he's only ... (Oslarija. Saj jih ima komaj ...)
What is he? (Koliko je star?)
Hundred and fifty? Give or take a few years. (150, leto gor ali dol?)

172 - Rawsovi Obiskovalci - Snape's Visitors

LESTRANGE: Cissy! You can't do this! He can't be trusted!

MRS. MALFOY: The Dark Lord trusts him.

LESTRANGE: The Dark Lord's mistaken.


SNAPE: Run along, Wormtail.

MRS. MALFOY: I know I ought not to be here.

                        The Dark Lord himself forbade me to speak of this.

SNAPE: If the Dark Lord has forbidden it, you ought not to speak.

           Put it down, Bella. We mustn't touch what isn't ours.

           As it so happens, I'm aware of your situation, Narcissa.


                    The Dark Lord told you?

SNAPE: Your sister doubts me.

           Understandable. Over the years I've played my part well.

           So well, I've deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time.

           Dumbledore is a great wizard. Only a fool would question it.

MRS. MALFOY: I don't doubt you, Severus.

LESTRANGE: You should be honored, Cissy. As should Draco.

MRS. MALFOY: He's just a boy.

SNAPE: I can't change the Dark Lord's mind.

           But it might be possible for me to help Draco.

MRS. MALFOY: Severus.

LESTRANGE: Swear to it.

                    Make the Unbreakable Vow.

                    It's just empty words.

                    He'll give it his best effort.

                    But when it matters most ...

                    ... he'll just slither back into his hole.


SNAPE: Take out your wand.

LESTRANGE: Will you ...

                    ... Severus Snape ...

                    ... watch over Draco Malfoy ...

                    ... as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes?

SNAPE: I will.

LESTRANGE: And will you, to the best of your ability ...

                    ... protect him from harm?

SNAPE: I will.

LESTRANGE: And if Draco should fail ...

                     ... will you yourself carry out the deed ...

                     ... the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?

SNAPE: I will.

Cissy! You can't do this! He can't be trusted! (Narči, ne smeš. Ne moreš mu zaupati!)
The Dark Lord trusts him. (Mojster mu zaupa.)
The Dark Lord's mistaken. (Mojster se moti.)
Run along, Wormtail. (Poberi se, Glistorepy.)
I know I ought not to be here. (Vem, da ne bi smela priti.)
The Dark Lord himself forbade me to speak of this. (Sam Mojster mi je prepovedal govoriti o tem.)
If the Dark Lord has forbidden it, you ought not to speak. (Potem bi morala molčati.)
Put it down, Bella. We mustn't touch what isn't ours. (Krasotilya, odloži. Ne dotikaj se tujih reči.)
As it so happens, I'm aware of your situation, Narcissa. (Slučajno vem, za kaj gre.)
You? (Ti?)
The Dark Lord told you? (Mojster ti je povedal?)
Your sister doubts me. (Tvoja sestra mi ne zaupa.)
Understandable. Over the years I've played my part well. (Razumljivo, saj sem več let dobro igral svojo vlogo.)
So well, I've deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time. (Tako dobro, da sem preslepil celo enega največjih čarovnikov.)
Dumbledore is a great wizard. Only a fool would question it. (Le tepec bi trdil, da Dumbledore ni velik čarovnik.)
I don't doubt you, Severus. (Jaz ti zaupam, Robaus.)
You should be honored, Cissy. As should Draco. (Z Drecom bi morala biti počaščena.)
He's just a boy. (Deček je še.)
I can't change the Dark Lord's mind. (Mojster je neomajen.)
But it might be possible for me to help Draco. (A morda bi lahko Drecu pomagal.)
Severus. (Robaus ...)
Swear to it. (Prisezi.)
Make the Unbreakable Vow. (Skleni nerazvezno zavezo.)
It's just empty words. (Samo besede so ga.)
He'll give it his best effort. (Potrudil se bo, ja.)
But when it matters most ... (Ko pa bi moral kaj storiti,)
... he'll just slither back into his hole. (se splazi nazaj v svojo luknjo.)
Coward. (Strahopetec.)
Take out your wand. (Vzemi svojo palico.)
Will you ...
... Severus Snape ... (Robaus Raws, ali boš)
... watch over Draco Malfoy ... (pazil na Dreca Malfoya,)
... as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes? (ko bo skušal izpolniti Mojstrovo voljo?)
I will. (Bom.)
And will you, to the best of your ability ... (Ga boš, kolikor bo v tvoji moči,)
... protect him from harm? (varoval pred nesrečo?)
I will. (Bom.)
And if Draco should fail ... (In če Drecu ne bi uspelo,)
... will you yourself carry out the deed ... (boš sam izpeljal nalogo,)
... the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform? (ki mu jo je naložil Mojster?)
I will. (Bom.)

Nosljajoča Flenča (Fleka Ne More Brez Čveka) - An Excess Of Phlegm

(audio 137. poglavja (oo5. poglavje) = 2628 sekund ali 43min 48s, prebral: Stephen Fry)

(audio 137. poglavja (oo5. poglavje) = 23o2 sekund ali 38min 22s, prebral: Jim Dale)

(137. poglavje (oo5. poglavje) = 517 stavkov, glej spodaj, prevedel: Jakob J. Kenda)

(137. poglavje (oo5. poglavje) = 517 stavkov, glej spodaj, prevedel: Branko Gradišnik) 


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