
ponedeljek, 27. oktober 2008

KNJIGA ŠT. o5 - 136. DEL (Limax Hudlagod (Profesor Toastwamp) - Horace Slughorn) (o3oo)

17o - Limax Hudlagod (Profesor Toastwamp) - Horace Slughorn

DUMBLEDORE: Welcome to the charming village of Budleigh Babberton.

                         Harry, I assume, right about now, you're wondering why I brought you here.

                         Am I right?

POTTER: Actually, sir, after all these years, I just sort of go with it.

DUMBLEDORE: Wands out, Harry.



SLUGHORN: Merlin's beard!

                  No need to disfigure me, Albus.

DUMBLEDORE: Well, I must say you make a very convincing armchair, Horace.

SLUGHORN: It's all in the upholstery. I come by the stuffing naturally. What gave me away?

DUMBLEDORE: Dragon's blood.


DUMBLEDORE: Oh, yes, introductions.

                         Harry, I'd like you to meet an old friend and colleague of mine ...

                         ... Horace Slughorn.

                         Horace ...

                         ... well, you know who this is.

SLUGHORN: Harry Potter.

DUMBLEDORE: What's with all the theatrics, Horace?

                         You weren't, by any chance, waiting for someone else?

SLUGHORN: Someone else? I'm sure I don't know what you mean.

                  All right, the Death Eaters have been trying to recruit me for over a year.

                  Do you know what that's like?

                  You can only say no so many times, so I never stay anywhere more than a week.

                  Muggles who own this are in the Canary Islands.

DUMBLEDORE: Well, I think we should put it back in order for them, don't you? Mind.

                         That was fun.

                         Do you mind if I use the loo?

SLUGHORN: No, of course.

                  Don't think I don't know why you're here, Albus.

                  The answer's still no. Absolutely and unequivocally, no.

                  You're very like your father.

                  Except for the eyes. You have your ...

POTTER: My mother's eyes. Yeah.

SLUGHORN: Lily. Lovely Lily. She was exceedingly bright, your mother.

                  Even more impressive when one considers she was Muggle-born.

POTTER: One of my best friends is Muggle-born. Best in our year.

SLUGHORN: Please don't think I'm prejudiced. No, no.

                  Your mother was one of my absolute favorites. Look, there she is.

                  Right at the front.

                  All mine. Each and every one.

                  Ex-students, I mean.

                  You recognize Barnabas Cuffe, editor of The Daily Prophet.

                  Always takes my owl, should I wish to register an opinion ...

                  ... on the news of the day.

                  Gwenog Jones, captain of the Holyhead Harpies.

                  Free tickets whenever I want them.

                  Of course, I haven't been to a match in some time.

                  Ah, yes.

                  Regulus Black.

                  You no doubt know of his older brother Sirius. Died a few weeks ago.

                  I taught the whole Black family, except Sirius.

                  It's a shame. Talented boy.

                  I got Regulus when he came along, of course, but I'd have liked the set.


                         Do you mind if I take this?

                         I do love knitting patterns.

SLUGHORN: Yes, of course. But you're not leaving?

DUMBLEDORE: I think I know a lost cause when I see one. Regrettable.

                         I would have considered it a personal triumph ...

                         ... had you consented to return to Hogwarts. Oh, well.

                         You're like my friend Mr. Potter here, one of a kind.

                         Well, bye-bye, Horace.


SLUGHORN: All right. I'll do it.

                  But I want Professor Merrythought's old office, not the water closet I had before.

                  And I expect a raise. These are mad times we live in. Mad!

DUMBLEDORE: They are indeed.

POTTER: Sir, exactly what was all that about?

DUMBLEDORE: You are talented, famous and powerful. Everything Horace values.

                         Professor Slughorn is gonna try to collect you, Harry.

                         You would be his crowning jewel.

                         That's why he's returning to Hogwarts. And it's crucial he should return.

                         I fear I may have stolen a wondrous night from you, Harry.

                         She was, truthfully, very pretty, the girl.

POTTER: It's all right, sir. I'll go back tomorrow, make some excuse.

DUMBLEDORE: Oh, you'll not be returning to Little Whinging tonight, Harry.

POTTER: But, sir, what about Hedwig? And my trunk?

DUMBLEDORE: Both are waiting for you.

Welcome to the charming village of Budleigh Babberton. (Dobrodošel v očarljivi vasici Brstech-Blebetach.)
Harry, I assume, right about now, you're wondering why I brought you here. (Verjetno se sprašuješ, zakaj sem te pripeljal sem.)
Am I right? (Imam prav?)
Actually, sir, after all these years, I just sort of go with it. (Pravzaprav sem se po vseh teh letih že privadil.)
Wands out, Harry. (Palico ven, Harry.)
Horace? (Limax?)
Horace? (Limax?)
Merlin's beard! (Pri Merlinovi bradi!)
No need to disfigure me, Albus. (Ni me treba pokvečiti, Albus!)
Well, I must say you make a very convincing armchair, Horace. (Priznati moram, da si prepričljiv naslonjač, Limax.)
It's all in the upholstery. I come by the stuffing naturally. What gave me away? (Trik je v polnilu, ki je pri meni naravno. Kaj me je izdalo?)
Dragon's blood. (Zmajeva kri.)
Oh, yes, introductions. (Saj res, naj vaju predstavim.)
Harry, I'd like you to meet an old friend and colleague of mine ... (Harry, to je moj stari prijatelj in sodelavec)
... Horace Slughorn. (Limax Hudlagod.)
Horace ... (Limax,)
... well, you know who this is. (verjetno veš, kdo je to.)
Harry Potter. (Harry Potter.)
What's with all the theatrics, Horace? (Čemu taka predstava?)
You weren't, by any chance, waiting for someone else? (Saj nisi pričakoval koga drugega?)
Someone else? I'm sure I don't know what you mean. (Koga drugega? Ne vem, kaj misliš.)
All right, the Death Eaters have been trying to recruit me for over a year. (No, prav. Jedci me novačijo že več kot leto.)
Do you know what that's like? (Več, kako je to?)
You can only say no so many times, so I never stay anywhere more than a week. (Ne moreš jih večno zavračati, zato se vsak teden selim.)
Muggles who own this are in the Canary Islands. (Bunkeljni, ki živijo v tej hiši, so na Kanarskih otokih.)
Well, I think we should put it back in order for them, don't you? Mind. (Dobro bi bilo malce pospraviti. Pazi.)
That was fun. (Zabavno.)
Do you mind if I use the loo? (Smem na stranišče?)
No, of course. (Seveda.)
Don't think I don't know why you're here, Albus. (In vem, zakaj si prišel, Albus.)
The answer's still no. Absolutely and unequivocally, no. (Odgovor je še vedno ne. Neomajen in jasen ne.)
You're very like your father. (Očetu si podoben.)
Except for the eyes. You have your ... (Razen oči. Oči imaš ...)
My mother's eyes. Yeah. (Po mami. Vem.)
Lily. Lovely Lily. She was exceedingly bright, your mother. (Lily. Čudovita Lily. Tvoja mama je bila izredno pametna.)
Even more impressive when one considers she was Muggle-born. (Kar je še presenetljivejše, saj je bila iz bunkeljske družine.)
One of my best friends is Muggle-born. Best in our year. (Tako kot moja prijateljica, ki je najboljša v letniku.)
Please don't think I'm prejudiced. No, no. (Ne misli, da imam predsodke. Sploh ne.)
Your mother was one of my absolute favorites. Look, there she is. (Tvoja mama je bila moja ljubljenka.)
Right at the front. (Tu je, čisto spredaj.)
All mine. Each and every one. (Vsi so moji, do zadnjega.)
Ex-students, I mean. (Nekdanji učenci.)
You recognize Barnabas Cuffe, editor of The Daily Prophet. (Gotovo poznaš Barnabasa Cuffa, urednika Preroških novic.)
Always takes my owl, should I wish to register an opinion ...
... on the news of the day. (Še vedno ga zanima moje mnenje o dogodkih.)
Gwenog Jones, captain of the Holyhead Harpies. (Gwenog Jones, kapetanka Holyheadskih harpij.)
Free tickets whenever I want them. (Zastonj vstopnice dobim.)
Of course, I haven't been to a match in some time. (Seveda že nekaj časa nisem bil na tekmi.)
Ah, yes. (Ja, seveda.)
Regulus Black. (Regulus Black.)
You no doubt know of his older brother Sirius. Died a few weeks ago. (Gotovo poznaš starejšega brata Siriusa, ki je umrl pred tedni.)
I taught the whole Black family, except Sirius. (Vso družino Black sem učil, razen Siriusa.)
It's a shame. Talented boy. (Nadarjen je bil.)
I got Regulus when he came along, of course, but I'd have liked the set. (Regulusa sem učil, a bi rad imel celo zbirko.)
Horace? (Limax,)
Do you mind if I take this? (smem vzeti tole?)
I do love knitting patterns. (Všeč so mi pleteni vzorci.)
Yes, of course. But you're not leaving? (Seveda. A saj še ne gresta, ne?)
I think I know a lost cause when I see one. Regrettable. (Žal vem, kdaj sem izgubil.)
I would have considered it a personal triumph ... (Izjemen dosežek bi se mi zdel,)
... had you consented to return to Hogwarts. Oh, well. (če bi se vrnil na Bradavičarko.)
You're like my friend Mr. Potter here, one of a kind. (No, ja. Neprimerljiv si, tako kot moj prijatelj g. Potter.)
Well, bye-bye, Horace. (Nasvidenje, Limax.)
Bye. (Adijo.)
All right. I'll do it. (Prav, prišel bom.)
But I want Professor Merrythought's old office, not the water closet I had before. (A hočem pisarno profesorice Myladushe, ne svoje stare luknje.)
And I expect a raise. These are mad times we live in. Mad! (In pričakujem povišico! V norih časih živimo. Norih!)
They are indeed. (Pa še kako res je.)
Sir, exactly what was all that about? (Kaj je bil namen tega obiska?)
You are talented, famous and powerful. Everything Horace values. (Nadarjen, slaven in sposoben si. Vse, kar Limax najbolj ceni.)
Professor Slughorn is gonna try to collect you, Harry. (Profesor Hudlagod te bo hotel v svoji zbirki.)
You would be his crowning jewel. (Njegov najpomembnejši učenec bi bil.)
That's why he's returning to Hogwarts. And it's crucial he should return. (Zato se bo vrnil na Bradavičarko, kar je ključnega pomena.)
I fear I may have stolen a wondrous night from you, Harry. (Zaradi mene si zamudil čudovit večer.)
She was, truthfully, very pretty, the girl. (Dekle je bilo res lepo.)
It's all right, sir. I'll go back tomorrow, make some excuse. (Nič hudega. Jutri se bom vrnil s kakšnim opravičilom.)
Oh, you'll not be returning to Little Whinging tonight, Harry. (Nocoj ne greš nazaj na Rožmarinovo ulico.)
But, sir, what about Hedwig? And my trunk? (Kaj pa Hedwig in moj zaboj?)
Both are waiting for you. (Oba te že čakata.)

Limax Hudlagod (Profesor Toastwamp) - Horace Slughorn

(audio 136. poglavja (oo4. poglavje) = 2697 sekund ali 44min 57s, prebral: Stephen Fry)

(audio 136. poglavja (oo4. poglavje) = 2378 sekund ali 39min 38s, prebral: Jim Dale)

(136. poglavje (oo4. poglavje) = 517 stavkov, glej spodaj, prevedel: Jakob J. Kenda) 

(136. poglavje (oo4. poglavje) = 517 stavkov, glej spodaj, prevedel: Branko Gradišnik) 


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