
ponedeljek, 27. oktober 2008

KNJIGA ŠT. o5 - 184. DEL (Svetinje Smrti - The Deathly Hallows) (o3oo)

223 - Svetinje Smrti - The Deathly Hallows

MR. LOVEGOOD: Where's that pen I had?

                           The Elder Wand.

                           The most powerful wand ever made.

                           The Resurrection Stone.

                           The Cloak of Invisibility.

                           Together, they make the Deathly Hallows.

                           Together, they make one master of Death.

GRANGER: That mark was on a grave in Godric's Hollow.

                Uh, Mr. Lovegood, does the Peverell Family ...

                ... have anything to do with the Deathly Hallows?

MR. LOVEGOOD: Uh ... Uh ...

                           Ignotus ... Excuse me. ... and his brothers, Cadmus and Antioch ...

                           ... are thought to be the original owners of the Hollows ...

                           ... and therefore the inspiration for the story. Uh ... Uh ...

                           But your tea's gone cold.

                           I'll be right back.

                           Let's go down here.

WEASLEY: Let's get out of here.

                 I'm not drinking any more of that stuff, hot or cold.

GRANGER: Thank you, sir.

WEASLEY: You forgot the water.


WEASLEY: For the tea.

MR. LOVEGOOD: Did ...?

                           Did I?

                           How silly of me.

GRANGER: It's no matter. We really should be going anyway.

MR. LOVEGOOD: No, you can't!


MR. LOVEGOOD: You're my only hope.

                           They were angry, you see, about what I'd been writing.

                           So they took her.

                           They took my Luna.

                           My Luna.

                           But it's really you they want.

POTTER: Who took her, sir?

MR. LOVEGOOD: Voldemort.

                           Stop! I've got him!

Where's that pen I had?
The Elder Wand. (Prapalica.)
The most powerful wand ever made. (Najmočnejša palica vseh časov.)
The Resurrection Stone. (Kamen vstajenja.)
The Cloak of Invisibility. (Plašč nevidnosti.)
Together, they make the Deathly Hallows. (Skupaj so to svetinje smrti.)
Together, they make one master of Death. (Skupaj so gospodar Smrti.)
That mark was on a grave in Godric's Hollow. (Ta znak je bil na grobu v Godricovem dolu.)
Uh, Mr. Lovegood, does the Peverell Family ... (So imeli Peverellovi)
... have anything to do with the Deathly Hallows? (kaj opraviti s svetinjami smrti?)
Uh ... Uh ...
Ignotus ... Excuse me. ... and his brothers, Cadmus and Antioch ... (Ignotius ... Oprostite, Ignotius naj bi bil)
... are thought to be the original owners of the Hollows ... (z bratoma prvotni lastnik svetinj smrti,)
... and therefore the inspiration for the story. Uh ... Uh ... (torej navdih za to zgodbo.)
But your tea's gone cold. (Čaj se je ohladil.)
I'll be right back. (Takoj se vrnem.)
Let's go down here.
Let's get out of here. (Poberimo se.)
I'm not drinking any more of that stuff, hot or cold. (Ne bom več pil te brozge, tople ali mrzle.)
Thank you, sir. (Hvala.)
You forgot the water. (Na vodo ste pozabili.)
Water? (Na vodo?)
For the tea. (Za čaj?)
Did ...? (Res?)
Did I?
How silly of me. (Kako sem trapast.)
It's no matter. We really should be going anyway. (Saj je vseeno, odpraviti se moramo.)
No, you can't! (Ne, ne smete!)
You're my only hope. (Moje edino upanje ste.)
They were angry, you see, about what I'd been writing. (Jezni so bili zaradi mojega pisanja.)
So they took her. (Zato so jo odpeljali.)
They took my Luna. (Odpeljali so mojo Loono.)
My Luna. (Mojo Loono.)
But it's really you they want. (Dejansko pa hočejo tebe.)
Who took her, sir? (Kdo jo je odpeljal?)
Voldemort. (Mrlakenstein.)
Stop! I've got him! (Nehajte! Imam ga!)

224 - Stavka Snatcherjev - Snatchers Strike

WEASLEY: That treacherous little bleeder. Is there no one we can trust?

POTTER: They kidnapped her because he supported me.

              He was just desperate.

WEASLEY: I'll do the enchantments.

SCABIOR: Hello, beautiful.

              Well, don't hang about, snatch them.


                      Tell me, Grindelwald. Tell me where it is.

                      Grindelwald. Grindelwald. Grindelwald.

GRINDELWALD: Hello, Tom. I knew you would come one day ...

                          ... but surely you must know I no longer have what you seek.

VOLDEMORT: Tell me, Grindelwald. Tell me where it is.


VOLDEMORT: Tell me who possesses it.

GRINDELWALD: The Elder Wand lies with him, of course ...

                          ... buried in the earth.


POTTER: The Hallows exist ...

              ... but he's only after one of them, the last one. He knows where it is.

              He's gonna have it by the end of the night. You-Know-Who's found the Elder Wand.

WEASLEY: Don't touch her. Unh!

GRANGER: Leave him.

SCABIOR: Your boyfriend will get worse than that ...

GRANGER: Get off me.

SCABIOR: ... if he doesn't learn to behave himself.

               What happened to you, ugly?

               No, not you.

               What's your name?

POTTER: Dudley. Vernon Dudley.

SCABIOR: Check it.

               And you, my lovely ...

               ... what do they call you?

GRANGER: Penelope Clearwater, half-blood.

CHIEF SNATCHER: There's no Vernon Dudley on here.

GREYBACK: Did you hear that, ugly? The list says you're lying.

                   How come you don't want us to know who you are?

POTTER: The list's wrong. I told you who I am.

SCABIOR: Change of plan.

              We're not taking this lot to the Ministry.

That treacherous little bleeder. Is there no one we can trust? (Presneta izdajalska zgaga! Res ne moremo nikomur zaupati?)
They kidnapped her because he supported me. (Ugrabili so jo, ker me je podpiral.)
He was just desperate. (Obupan je bil.)
I'll do the enchantments. (Jaz bom poskrbel za uroke.)
Hello, beautiful. (Živjo, lepotička.)
Well, don't hang about, snatch them. (Kaj samo stojite? Zgrabite jih!)
Harry. (Harry.)
Tell me, Grindelwald. Tell me where it is. (Grindelwald, povej mi, kje je.)
Grindelwald. Grindelwald. Grindelwald. (Grindelwald. Grindelwald.)
Hello, Tom. I knew you would come one day ... (Pozdravljen, Mark. Vedel sem, da boš nekoč prišel.)
... but surely you must know I no longer have what you seek. (A saj veš, da je nimam več.)
Tell me, Grindelwald. Tell me where it is. (Povej mi, kje je.)
Tell me who possesses it. (Kdo jo ima zdaj?)
The Elder Wand lies with him, of course ... (Prapalica leži seveda z njim,)
... buried in the earth. (zakopana v zemlji.)
Dumbledore. (Dumbledore.)
The Hallows exist ... (Svetinje smrti so resnične,)
... but he's only after one of them, the last one. He knows where it is. (a ga zanima le ena. Ve, kje je.)
He's gonna have it by the end of the night. You-Know-Who's found the Elder Wand. (Pred koncem noči jo bo imel. Saj Veš Kdo je našel Prapalico.)
Don't touch her. Unh! (Ne dotikaj se je!)
Leave him. (Pusti ga!)
Your boyfriend will get worse than that ... (Tvojega fanta bo doletelo še kaj hujšega,)
Get off me. 
... if he doesn't learn to behave himself. (če se ne bo lepo vedel.)
What happened to you, ugly? (Kaj se ti je zgodilo, grdoba?)
No, not you. (Ne, ne tebi.)
What's your name? (Kako ti je ime?)
Dudley. Vernon Dudley. (Vernon Dudley.)
Check it. (Preveri.)
And you, my lovely ... (Pa tebi, lepotička?)
... what do they call you? (Kako te kličejo?)
Penelope Clearwater, half-blood. (Penelope Clearwater. Mešanka sem.)
There's no Vernon Dudley on here. (Tu ni nobenega Dudleyja.)
Did you hear that, ugly? The list says you're lying. (Si slišal, grdoba? Seznam pravi, da lažeš.)
How come you don't want us to know who you are? (Zakaj ne smemo vedeti, kdo si?)
The list's wrong. I told you who I am. (Seznam se moti. Povedal sem, kdo sem.)
Change of plan. (Sprememba načrta.)
We're not taking this lot to the Ministry. (Ne bomo jih peljali na Ministrstvo.)

Svetinje Smrti - The Deathly Hallows

(audio 184. poglavja (o22. poglavje) = 2462 sekund ali 4omin 31s, prebral: Stephen Fry)

(audio 184. poglavja (o22. poglavje) = 2237 sekund ali 37min 17s, prebral: Jim Dale)

(184. poglavje (o22. poglavje) = 517 stavkov, glej spodaj, prevedel: Jakob J. Kenda) 


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