
ponedeljek, 27. oktober 2008

KNJIGA ŠT. o5 - o82. DEL (Jajce In Oko - The Egg And The Eye) (o3oo)

125 - Namig Je V Jajcu - The Egg's Clue

VOLDEMORT: Let me see it again.

                      Yes, the time is close now.

                      Harry, at last!

                      Step aside, Wormtail, so I can give our guest a proper greeting.

LONGBOTTOM: You all right, Harry?

                          I just got in.


GRANGER: Harry, you told me you'd figured the egg out weeks ago.

                The task is two days from now.

POTTER: Really? I had no idea.

              I suppose Viktor's already figured it out.

GRANGER: Wouldn't know. We don't actually talk about the tournament.

                 Actually, we don't really talk at all. Viktor's more of a physical being.

                 I just mean he's not particularly loquacious.

                 Mostly, he watches me study.

                 It's a bit annoying, actually.

                 You are trying to figure this egg out, aren't you?

POTTER: What's that supposed to mean?

GRANGER: It just means these tasks are designed to test you ...

                ... in the most brutal way. They're almost cruel.

                And ...

                ... I'm scared for you.

                You got by the dragons mostly on nerve.

                I'm not sure it's going to be enough this time.

DIGGORY: Hey, Potter!


POTTER: Cedric.

DIGGORY: How ...? How are you?

POTTER: Spectacular.

DIGGORY: I realize I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons.

POTTER: Forget it. I'm sure you would've done the same for me.

DIGGORY: Exactly.

               You know the Prefects' bathroom on the fifth floor?

               It's not a bad place for a bath.

               Just take your egg ...

               ... and mull things over in the hot water.

POTTER: I must be out of my mind.

              I'm definitely out of my mind.

MOANING MYRTLE: I'd try putting it in the water if I were you.

POTTER: Myrtle!


                                 Long time no see.

                                 I was circling a blocked drain the other day ...

                                 ... and could swear I saw a bit of Polyjuice Potion.

                                 Not being a bad boy again, are you, Harry?

POTTER: Polyjuice Potion?

              Kicked the habit. Myrtle, did you say, "Try putting it in the water"?

MOANING MYRTLE: That's what he did.

                                 The other boy ...

                                 ... the handsome one ...

                                 ... Cedric.

                                 Well, go on. Open it.

GOLDEN EGG: Come seek us Where our voices sound

                      We cannot sing Above the ground

                      An hour long you'll have to look

                      To recover what we took

POTTER: Myrtle ...

              ... there aren't merpeople in the Black Lake, are there?


                                 It took Cedric ages to riddle it out.

                                 Almost all the bubbles were gone.

GRANGER: Harry, tell me again.

POTTER: "Come seek us where our voices sound."

GRANGER: The Black Lake, that's obvious.

POTTER: "An hour long you'll have to look."

GRANGER: Again, obvious. Though, admittedly, potentially problematic.

POTTER: "Potentially problematic"?

               When's the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?

GRANGER: Look, Harry, we can do this. The three of us can figure it out.

CROUCH: Hate to break up the skull session.

              Professor McGonagall wants you in her office.

              Not you, Potter, just Weasley and Granger.

GRANGER: But, sir, the second task is only hours away, and ...

CROUCH: Exactly. Presumably Potter is well prepared by now ...

              ... and could do with a good night's sleep.

              Go. Now!


              Why don't you help Potter put his books back.

LONGBOTTOM: You know, if you're interested in plants ...

                         ... you'd be better off with Goshawk's Guide to Herbology.

                         Do you know there's a wizard in Nepal who's growing gravity-resistant trees?

POTTER: Neville, no offense, but I really don't care ...

              ... about plants.

              Now, if there's ...

              ... a Tibetan turnip that will allow me to breathe underwater for an hour ...

              ... then great. But otherwise ...

LONGBOTTOM: I don't know about a turnip. But you could always use gillyweed.

Let me see it again. (Pokaži še enkrat.)
Yes, the time is close now. (Ja, bliža se čas.)
Harry, at last! (Harry, končno!)
Step aside, Wormtail, so I can give our guest a proper greeting. (Umakni se, da gosta pozdravim, kot se spodobi.)
You all right, Harry? (Ti je dobro?)
I just got in. (Pravkar sem prišel.)
Me. (Jaz.)
Harry, you told me you'd figured the egg out weeks ago. (Že zdavnaj bi moral razvozlati namig!)
The task is two days from now. (Čez dva dni te čaka naloga!)
Really? I had no idea. (Res? Nisem vedel.)
I suppose Viktor's already figured it out. (Zmagoslaf ga je najbrž že.)
Wouldn't know. We don't actually talk about the tournament. (Ne vem, ne govoriva o turnirju.)
Actually, we don't really talk at all. Viktor's more of a physical being. (Pravzaprav sploh ne govoriva. Zmagoslaf je človek dejanj.)
I just mean he's not particularly loquacious. (Hočem reči, ni posebno zgovoren.)
Mostly, he watches me study. (V glavnem me gleda, ko se učim.)
It's a bit annoying, actually. (Prav moteče je.)
You are trying to figure this egg out, aren't you? (Rešuješ uganko jajca, ne?)
What's that supposed to mean? (Kaj naj to pomeni?)
It just means these tasks are designed to test you ... (To pomeni, da so naloge zamišljene kot)
... in the most brutal way. They're almost cruel. (brutalen preizkus. Skoraj krute so.)
And ... 
... I'm scared for you. (Bojim se zate.)
You got by the dragons mostly on nerve. (Pri zmajih ti je pomagal pogum.)
I'm not sure it's going to be enough this time. (Bojim se, da tokrat ne bo dovolj.)
Hey, Potter! (Potter!)
Potter! ()
Cedric. (Cedric.)
How ...? How are you? (Kako si?)
Spectacular. (Sijajno.)
I realize I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons. (Nisem se ti še zahvalil, ker si mi povedal za zmaje.)
Forget it. I'm sure you would've done the same for me. (Pozabi. Ti bi gotovo naredil isto zame.)
Exactly. (Točno.)
You know the Prefects' bathroom on the fifth floor? (Kopalnica predstavnikov študentov.)
It's not a bad place for a bath. (Tam se ni slabo kopati.)
Just take your egg ... (Vzemi jajce)
... and mull things over in the hot water. (in v topli vodi vse skupaj dobro pretuhtaj.)
I must be out of my mind. (Saj nisem pri pravi.)
I'm definitely out of my mind. (Res nisem pri pravi.)
I'd try putting it in the water if I were you. (Na tvojem mestu bi ga dala v vodo.)
Myrtle! (Jane!)
Hello, Harry. (Živjo.)
Long time no see. (Dolgo se nisva videla.)
I was circling a blocked drain the other day ... (Zadnjič sem krožila po zamašenem odtoku.)
... and could swear I saw a bit of Polyjuice Potion. (Prisegla bi, da sem videla mnogobitni napoj.)
Not being a bad boy again, are you, Harry? (Da nisi spet poreden?)
Polyjuice Potion? (Mnogobitni napoj?)
Kicked the habit. Myrtle, did you say, "Try putting it in the water"? (Ne delam več tega. Si rekla, naj ga dam v vodo?)
That's what he did. (Tako je naredil on.)
The other boy ... (Oni drugi fant,)
... the handsome one ... (tisti lepotec.)
... Cedric. (Cedric.)
Well, go on. Open it. (Daj. Odpri ga.)
Come seek us Where our voices sound (Išči nas, kjer pojejo glasovi naši,)
We cannot sing Above the ground (pod vodo lepi, le zrak jih siromaši.)
An hour long you'll have to look (Le ena ura na voljo ti bo dana,)
To recover what we took (da najdeš, kar srca tvojega je mana.)
Myrtle ... (Jane,)
... there aren't merpeople in the Black Lake, are there? (ali v jezeru živijo povodni ljudje?)
Very good. (Zelo dobro.)
It took Cedric ages to riddle it out. (Cedric je za to potreboval celo večnost.)
Almost all the bubbles were gone. (Mehurčki so se skoraj razblinili.)
Harry, tell me again. (Povej še enkrat.)
"Come seek us where our voices sound." (Išči nas, kjer pojejo naši glasovi.)
The Black Lake, that's obvious. (Jezero, ni dvoma.)
"An hour long you'll have to look." (Le ena ura na voljo ti bo dana.)
Again, obvious. Though, admittedly, potentially problematic. (Spet ni dvoma. Čeprav zna biti problem.)
"Potentially problematic"? (Zna biti problem?)
When's the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione? (Kdaj si nazadnje držala dih eno uro?)
Look, Harry, we can do this. The three of us can figure it out. (Poslušaj, uspelo nam bo. V treh bomo že našli rešitev.)
Hate to break up the skull session. (Žal mi je, da motim debato.)
Professor McGonagall wants you in her office. (Prof. McHudurra vaju kliče.)
Not you, Potter, just Weasley and Granger. (Weasleyja in Grangerjevo.)
But, sir, the second task is only hours away, and ... (Samo še nekaj ur je ostalo.)
Exactly. Presumably Potter is well prepared by now ... (Točno. Potter je najbrž pripravljen)
... and could do with a good night's sleep. (in se mora naspati.)
Go. Now! (Pojdita.)
Longbottom! (Velerit!)
Why don't you help Potter put his books back. (Pomagaj Potterju pospraviti knjige.)
You know, if you're interested in plants ... (Če te zanimajo rastline,)
... you'd be better off with Goshawk's Guide to Herbology. (se loti Učbenika rastlinoslovja.)
Do you know there's a wizard in Nepal who's growing gravity-resistant trees? (Veš, da neki čarodej v Nepalu goji protitežnostna drevesa?)
Neville, no offense, but I really don't care ... (Brez zamere, ampak res me ne zanimajo)
... about plants. (rastline.)
Now, if there's ... (Če obstaja)
... a Tibetan turnip that will allow me to breathe underwater for an hour ... (kakšna repa, s pomočjo katere bi dihal pod vodo eno uro,)
... then great. But otherwise ... (super. Sicer pa ...)
I don't know about a turnip. But you could always use gillyweed. (Za repo ne vem. Lahko pa poješ škržnjavo travo.)

Jajce In Oko - The Egg And The Eye

(audio o82. poglavja (o25. poglavje) = 217o sekund ali 36min 1os, prebral: Stephen Fry)

(audio o82. poglavja (o25. poglavje) = 2229 sekund ali 37min o9s, prebral: Jim Dale)

(o82. poglavje (o25. poglavje) = 517 stavkov, glej spodaj, prevedel: Jakob J. Kenda) 


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