
ponedeljek, 27. oktober 2008

KNJIGA ŠT. o5 - 163. DEL (Vzpon Mojstra Črne Magije - The Dark Lord Ascending) (o3oo)

199 - Temni Časi - Dark Times

SCRIMGEOUR: These are dark times, there is no denying.

                      Our world has, perhaps, faced no greater threat than it does today.

                      But I say this to our citizenry:

                      We, ever your servants ...

                      ... will continue to defend your liberty ...

                      ... and repel the forces that seek to take it from you.

                      Your Ministry remains ...

                      ... strong.

MRS. GRANGER: Hermione. Tea's ready, darling.

GRANGER: Coming, Mom.

MR. DURSLEY: Come on, Dudley, hurry up.

DURSLEY: I still don't understand why we have to leave.

MR. DURSLEY: Because, unh, it's not safe for us here anymore.

MRS. WEASLEY: Ron, tell your father supper's nearly ready.

MR. GRANGER: Is this in Australia?

MRS. GRANGER: Looks wonderful, doesn't it?

Man On TV: Three and a half thousand kilometers along Australia's east coast.

GRANGER: Obliviate.

These are dark times, there is no denying. (To so nedvomno težki časi.)
Our world has, perhaps, faced no greater threat than it does today. (Naš svet se še ni soočal s takšno grožnjo, kot se danes.)
But I say this to our citizenry: (Vendar pa našim meščanom zagotavljam:)
We, ever your servants ... (Mi, vaši vdani sluge,)
... will continue to defend your liberty ... (bomo branili vašo svobodo)
... and repel the forces that seek to take it from you. (in zatrli sile, ki vam jo skušajo vzeti.)
Your Ministry remains ... (Vaše ministrstvo ostaja)
... strong. (trdno.)
Dark Mark Sparks Panic (Znamenje Jedcev povzročilo paniko)
Violence Spreads - Muggle Family Murdered (Nasilje se širi - umorjena družina bunkeljnov)
Hermione. Tea's ready, darling. (Hermiona, čaj je pripravljen.)
Coming, Mom. (Že grem, mami!)
Come on, Dudley, hurry up. (Daj že, Dudley! Pohiti!)
I still don't understand why we have to leave. (Ne razumem, zakaj moramo proč.)
Because, unh, it's not safe for us here anymore. (Ker tukaj nismo več varni.)
Ron, tell your father supper's nearly ready. (Ron, povej očetu, da bo kmalu večerja!)
Is this in Australia? (Je to oddaja o Avstraliji?)
Looks wonderful, doesn't it? (Čudovito je, ne?)
Three and a half thousand kilometers along Australia's east coast.
Obliviate. (Pozabate.)

2oo - Vzpon Mojstra Črne Magije - Dark Lord Ascending


                      I was beginning to worry you had lost your way.

                      Come, we've saved you a seat.

                      You bring news, I trust?

SNAPE: It will happen Saturday next, at nightfall.

YAXLEY: I've heard differently, my Lord.

              Dawlish, the Auror, has let slip that the Potter boy ...

              ... will not be moved until the 30th of this month.

              The day before he turns 17.

SNAPE: This is a false trail.

           The Auror Office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry Potter.

           Those closest to him believe we have infiltrated the Ministry.

SQUAT MAN: Well, they got that right, haven't they?

VOLDEMORT: What say you, Pius?

THICKNESSE: One hears many things, my Lord.

                     Whether the truth is among them is not clear.

VOLDEMORT: Heh. Spoken like a true politician.

                      You will, I think, prove most useful, Pius.

                      Where will he be taken, the boy?

SNAPE: To a safe house.

           Most likely the home of someone in the Order.

           I'm told it's been given every manner of protection possible.

           Once there, it will be impractical to attack him.

LESTRANGE: Ahem. My Lord. I'd like to volunteer myself for this task.

                    I want to kill the boy.

VOLDEMORT: Wormtail!

                      Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guest quiet?

PETTIGREW: Yes, my Lord.

                     Right away, my Lord.

VOLDEMORT: As inspiring as I find your bloodlust, Bellatrix ...

                      ... I must be the one to kill Harry Potter.

                      But I face an unfortunate complication.

                      That my wand and Potter's share the same core.

                      They are, in some ways, twins.

                      We can wound, but not fatally harm one another.

                      If I am to kill him ...

                      ... I must do it with another's wand.

                      Come, surely one of you would like the honor?


                      What about you, Lucius?

MR. MALFOY: My Lord?


                      I require your wand.

                      Do I detect elm?

MR. MALFOY: Yes, my Lord.

VOLDEMORT: And the core?

MR. MALFOY: Dragon. Ahem.

                      Dragon heartstring, my Lord.

VOLDEMORT: Dragon heartstring.


VOLDEMORT: To those of you who do not know ...

                      ... we are joined tonight by Miss Charity Burbage ...

                      ... who, until recently, taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

                      Her specialty was Muggle Studies.

                      It is Miss Burbage's belief that Muggles are not so different from us.

                      She would, given her way ...

                      ... have us mate with them.

                      To her, the mixture of magical and Muggle blood is not an abomination ...

                      ... but something to be encouraged.

BURBAGE: Severus.

                Severus, please.

                We're friends.

VOLDEMORT: Avada Kedavra!



Severus. (Robaus!)
I was beginning to worry you had lost your way. (Bal sem se že, da si se izgubil.)
Come, we've saved you a seat. (Pridi, sedež smo ti prihranili.)
You bring news, I trust? (Upam, da prinašaš novice.)
It will happen Saturday next, at nightfall. (Naslednjo soboto zvečer.)
I've heard differently, my Lord. (Jaz sem slišal drugače.)
Dawlish, the Auror, has let slip that the Potter boy ... (Aurorju Rewi je ušlo, da bodo Potterja)
... will not be moved until the 30th of this month. (odpeljali 30. tega meseca,)
The day before he turns 17. (večer pred 17. rojstnim dnem.)
This is a false trail. (Lažne govorice.)
The Auror Office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry Potter. (Aurorski komisariat ne skrbi več za Potterjevo varnost.)
Those closest to him believe we have infiltrated the Ministry. (Feniksov red se boji, da imamo ljudi na Ministrstvu.)
Well, they got that right, haven't they? (Upravičeno, ne?)
What say you, Pius? (Kaj praviš ti, Unce?)
One hears many things, my Lord. (Marsikaj se govori,)
Whether the truth is among them is not clear. (ni pa jasno, kaj je resnica.)
Heh. Spoken like a true politician. (Govoriš kot pravi politik.)
You will, I think, prove most useful, Pius. (Mislim, da boš nadvse koristen.)
Where will he be taken, the boy? (Kam nameravajo skriti fanta?)
To a safe house. (V varno hišo.)
Most likely the home of someone in the Order. (Verjetno doma pri kom iz reda.)
I'm told it's been given every manner of protection possible. (Menda bodo uporabili vse možne načine zaščite.)
Once there, it will be impractical to attack him. (Ko bo enkrat na varnem, ga ne bo pametno napasti.)
Ahem. My Lord. I'd like to volunteer myself for this task. (Mojster, rada bi se javila za to nalogo.)
I want to kill the boy. (Ubiti hočem fanta.)
Wormtail! (Glistorepy!)
Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guest quiet? (Ti nisem naročil, naj bo naša gostja tiho?)
Yes, my Lord. (Si, gospod.)
Right away, my Lord. (Takoj, gospod.)
As inspiring as I find your bloodlust, Bellatrix ... (Čeprav sem navdušen nad tvojo željo po krvi, Krasotilya,)
... I must be the one to kill Harry Potter. (moram Harryja Potterja ubiti sam.)
But I face an unfortunate complication. (Vendar pa imam manjšo težavo.)
That my wand and Potter's share the same core. (Moja in Potterjeva palica imata isto jedro.)
They are, in some ways, twins. (Na nek način sta dvojčici.)
We can wound, but not fatally harm one another. (Lahko raniva drug drugega, ne pa tudi ubijeva.)
If I am to kill him ... (Ubijem ga lahko le)
... I must do it with another's wand. (s tujo palico.)
Come, surely one of you would like the honor? (No, gotovo si kdo od vas želi te časti.)
What about you, Lucius? (Kaj pa ti, Lucius?)
My Lord? (Gospod?)
"My Lord?" (Gospod?)
I require your wand. (Svojo palico mi daj.)
Do I detect elm? (Čutim brestovino?)
Yes, my Lord. (Ja, gospod.)
And the core? (Pa jedro?)
Dragon. Ahem. (Zmaj.)
Dragon heartstring, my Lord. (Kita zmajevega srca.)
Dragon heartstring. (Kita zmajevega srca.)
To those of you who do not know ... (Tisti, ki ne veste,)
... we are joined tonight by Miss Charity Burbage ... (nocoj je z nami gdč. Dobrodela Burbage,)
... who, until recently, taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. (ki je do nedavnega poučevala na Bradavičarki.)
Her specialty was Muggle Studies. (Predavala je o bunkeljnih.)
It is Miss Burbage's belief that Muggles are not so different from us. (Gdč. Burbage meni, da se bunkeljni ne razlikujejo od nas.)
She would, given her way ... (Po njenem naj bi se)
... have us mate with them. (celo parili z njimi.)
To her, the mixture of magical and Muggle blood is not an abomination ... (Zanjo mešanje čarovniške in bunkeljske krvi ni ostudno,)
... but something to be encouraged. (temveč celo zaželeno.)
Severus. (Robaus ...)
Severus, please. (Robaus, prosim te.)
We're friends. (Kolega sva.)
Avada Kedavra! (Avada kedavra!)
Nagini. (Nagini.)
Dinner. (Večerja.)

Vzpon Mojstra Črne Magije - The Dark Lord Ascending

(audio 163. poglavja (oo1. poglavje) = 1577 sekund ali 26min 17s, prebral: Stephen Fry)

(audio 163. poglavja (oo1. poglavje) = 1583 sekund ali 26min 23s, prebral: Jim Dale)

(163. poglavje (oo1. poglavje) = 517 stavkov, glej spodaj, prevedel: Jakob J. Kenda) 


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