
ponedeljek, 27. oktober 2008

KNJIGA ŠT. o5 - 1o5. DEL (Izbiruhova Nova Pesem - The Sorting Hat's New Song) (o3oo)

145 - Ohranimo, Izboljšajmo In Izkoreninimo  - Preserve, Perfect And Prune

DUMBLEDORE: Good evening, children.

                         Now, we have two changes in staffing this year.

                         We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank ...

                         ... who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures ...

                         ... while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave.

                         We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher ...

                         ... Professor Dolores Umbridge.

                         And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck.

                         Now, as usual, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you ...

POTTER: She was at my hearing. She works for Fudge.

UMBRIDGE: Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome.

                  And how lovely to see all your bright ...

                  happy faces smiling up at me.

                  I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends.

FRED & GEORGE: That's likely.

UMBRIDGE: The Ministry of Magic has always considered ...

                  ... the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance.

                  Although each headmaster ...

                  ... has brought something new to this historic school ...

                  ... progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged.

                  Let us preserve what must be preserved ...

                  ... perfect what can be perfected ...

                  ... and prune practices that ought to be prohibited.

DUMBLEDORE: Thank you, Professor Umbridge. That really was most illuminating.

WEASLEY: Illuminating? What a load of waffle.

POTTER: What's it mean?

DUMBLEDORE: Magic is forbidden in the corridors ...

GRANGER: It means the Ministry's interfering at Hogwarts.

POTTER: Dean, Seamus.

              Good holiday?

THOMAS: All right.

               Better than Seamus', anyway.

FINNIGAN: Me mum didn't want me to come back this year.

POTTER: Why not?

FINNIGAN: Let me see. Because of you.

                 The Daily Prophet's been saying a lot of things about you and Dumbledore.

POTTER: What, your mum believes them?

FINNIGAN: Nobody was there the night Cedric died.

POTTER: I guess you should read the Prophet, then, like your stupid mother.

FINNIGAN: Don't talk about my mother.

POTTER: I'll have a go at anyone calling me a liar.

WEASLEY: What's going on?

FINNIGAN: He's mad, is what's going on.

                 Do you believe the rubbish he's come out with about You-Know-Who?

WEASLEY: Yeah. I do.

                Has anyone else got a problem with Harry?

                You all right?


WEASLEY: Seamus was bang out of order, mate.

                But he'll come through, you'll see.

POTTER: I said, I'm fine, Ron.

WEASLEY: Right. I'll just leave you to your thoughts, then.


Good evening, children. (Dober večer.)
Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. (Letos imamo dve zamenjavi med uslužbenci.)
We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank ... (Znova je tu prof. Tcherwiwa-Dyla)
... who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures ... (za nego čarobnih živali,)
... while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave. (ker je prof. Hagrid na dopustu.)
We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher ... (Imamo tudi novo učiteljico obrambe pred mračnimi silami,)
... Professor Dolores Umbridge. (prof. Kalvaro Temyno.)
And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck. (Vsi skupaj zaželimo profesorici veliko sreče.)
Now, as usual, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you ... (Naš hišnik, g. Filch, me je prosil, naj vas opomnim ...)
She was at my hearing. She works for Fudge. (Za Schushmaarja dela.)
Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. (Hvala, ravnatelj, za to prijazno dobrodošlico.)
And how lovely to see all your bright ... (Kako lepo je videti vse te bistre,)
happy faces smiling up at me. (srečne obraze, ki se mi smehljajo.)
I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends. (Prepričana sem, da bomo zelo dobri prijatelji.)
That's likely. (Prav gotovo.)
The Ministry of Magic has always considered ... (Na Ministrstvu menimo, )
... the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. (da je izobrazba mladih čarovnikov bistvenega pomena.)
Although each headmaster ... (Vsak ravnatelj je dodal)
... has brought something new to this historic school ... (kaj novega tej častitljivi ustanovi.)
... progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. (Toda napredek za vsako ceno moramo preprečiti.)
Let us preserve what must be preserved ... (Ohranimo, kar je treba ohraniti,)
... perfect what can be perfected ... (izboljšajmo, kar lahko izboljšamo,)
... and prune practices that ought to be prohibited. (in izkoreninimo dejavnosti, ki jih moramo prepovedati.)
Thank you, Professor Umbridge. That really was most illuminating. (Hvala, prof. Temyna. To so bile res poučne besede.)
Illuminating? What a load of waffle. (Poučne? Kakšno nakladanje.)
What's it mean? (Kaj to pomeni?)
Magic is forbidden in the corridors ... 
It means the Ministry's interfering at Hogwarts. (Da se Ministrstvo vmešava v Bradavičarko.)
Plotter? (Potter spletkar?)
Dean, Seamus. (Dean, Seamus.)
Good holiday? (Je bilo lepo na počitnicah?)
All right. (Ja.)
Better than Seamus', anyway. (Lepše kot Seamusu.)
Me mum didn't want me to come back this year. (Mama ni hotela, da bi se vrnil.)
Why not? (Zakaj ne?)
Let me see. Because of you. (Zaradi tebe.)
The Daily Prophet's been saying a lot of things about you and Dumbledore. (V Preroških novicah so pisali o tebi in o Dumbledorju.)
What, your mum believes them? (In ona vse verjame?)
Nobody was there the night Cedric died. (Nobene priče nimaš.)
I guess you should read the Prophet, then, like your stupid mother. (Potem beri Novice kot tvoja butasta mama.)
Don't talk about my mother. (Ne žali je.)
I'll have a go at anyone calling me a liar. (Za lažnivca me ima.)
What's going on? (Kaj se dogaja?)
He's mad, is what's going on. (Jezi se.)
Do you believe the rubbish he's come out with about You-Know-Who? (Verjameš njegovemu nakladanju o Mrlakensteinu?)
Yeah. I do. (Ja.)
Has anyone else got a problem with Harry? (Ima še kdo kaj proti Harryju?)
You all right? (Vse v redu?)
Fine. (Ja.)
Seamus was bang out of order, mate. (Seamus je bil nesramen.)
But he'll come through, you'll see. (Ampak še žal mu bo, boš videl.)
I said, I'm fine, Ron. (V redu je, Ron!)
Right. I'll just leave you to your thoughts, then. (Prav. Potem te bom pustil pri miru.)
Harry. (Harry.)

Izbiruhova Nova Pesem - The Sorting Hat's New Song

(audio 1o5. poglavja (o11. poglavje) = 25o3 sekund ali 41min 43s, prebral: Stephen Fry)

(audio 1o5. poglavja (o11. poglavje) = 2215 sekund ali 36min 55s, prebral: Jim Dale)

(1o5. poglavje (o11. poglavje) = 517 stavkov, glej spodaj, prevedel: Jakob J. Kenda) 


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