
ponedeljek, 27. oktober 2008

KNJIGA ŠT. o5 - 181. DEL (Srebrna Košuta - The Silver Doe) (o3oo)

219 - Srebrna Košuta - The Silver Doe

GRANGER: Are you feeling better?

POTTER: You've outdone yourself this time, Hermione.

GRANGER: The Forest of Dean.

                I came here once with Mom and Dad, years ago.

                It's just how I remember it.

                The trees, the river, everything.

                Like nothing's changed.

                Not true, of course. Everything's changed.

                If I brought my parents back here, they probably wouldn't recognize any of it.

                Not the trees, not the river ...

                ... not even me.

                Maybe we should just stay here, Harry.

                Grow old.

                You wanted to know who the boy in the photograph was.

                I know.

                Gellert Grindelwald.

POTTER: He's the thief I saw in Gregorovitch's Wand Shop.

              Speaking of which, where is my wand?

              Where's my wand, Hermione?

GRANGER: As we were leaving Godric's Hollow, I cast a curse and it rebounded.

                I'm sorry.

                I tried to mend it, but wands are different.

POTTER: It's done.

              Leave me yours. Go inside and get warm.

              I'll take the locket as well.


POTTER: Lumos.

              Accio sword.


Are you feeling better? (Se bolje počutiš?)
You've outdone yourself this time, Hermione. (Tokrat si prekašala samo sebe.)
The Forest of Dean. (Deanski gozd.)
I came here once with Mom and Dad, years ago. (Pred leti sem sem prišla z očkom in mamo.)
It's just how I remember it. (Tako je, kot se spominjam.)
The trees, the river, everything. (Drevesa, reka, vse.)
Like nothing's changed. (Kot da se ni nič spremenilo.)
Not true, of course. Everything's changed. (Seveda ni res. Vse se je spremenilo.)
If I brought my parents back here, they probably wouldn't recognize any of it. (Če bi pripeljala sem starša, ne bi prepoznala ničesar.)
Not the trees, not the river ... (Ne dreves, ne reke.)
... not even me. (Niti mene.)
Maybe we should just stay here, Harry. (Mogoče bi morala ostati tu.)
Grow old. (Se tu postarati.)
You wanted to know who the boy in the photograph was. (Spraševal si, kdo je fant na fotografiji.)
I know. (Zdaj vem.)
Gellert Grindelwald. (Gellert Grindelwald.)
He's the thief I saw in Gregorovitch's Wand Shop. (To je tat, ki sem ga videl v Gregorovičevi prodajalni palic.)
Speaking of which, where is my wand? (Ko sva že pri tem, kje je moja palica?)
Where's my wand, Hermione? (Kje je moja palica, Hermiona?)
As we were leaving Godric's Hollow, I cast a curse and it rebounded. (Ko sva odhajala iz Godricovega dola, se je vanjo odbil urok.)
I'm sorry.
I tried to mend it, but wands are different. (Skušala sem jo popraviti, a je ne morem.)
It's done. (Je ,kar je.)
Leave me yours. Go inside and get warm. (Svojo mi pusti. Pojdi se noter pogret.)
I'll take the locket as well. (Tudi medaljon bom vzel.)
Trust me. (Zaupaj mi.)
Lumos. (Lumos.)
Accio sword. (Accio meč.)
Diffindo. (Diffindo.)

22o - Gryffindorjev meč - Sword Of Gryffindor

POTTER: Hermione?

WEASLEY: Are you mental?

POTTER: It was you?

WEASLEY: Well, yeah. Bit obvious, I think.

POTTER: And you cast the doe as well, did you?

WEASLEY: No, I thought that was you.

POTTER: No, my Patronus is a stag.

WEASLEY: Right. Yeah. Antlers.

POTTER: Okay, Ron. Do it.

WEASLEY: I can't handle it. That thing affects me more than it affects you and Hermione.

POTTER: All the more reason.

WEASLEY: No. I can't.

POTTER: Then why are you here?

              Why did you come back?

              Now, I'll have to speak to it in order for it to open. When it does, don't hesitate.

              I don't know what's in there, but it'll put up a fight.

              The bit of Riddle that was in that diary tried to kill me.

              All right.

              One ...

              ... two ...

              ... three.

VOLDEMORT: I have seen your heart, and it is mine.

                      I have seen your dreams, Ronald Weasley ...

                      ... and I have seen your fears.

                      Least loved by your mother, who craved a daughter.

                      Least loved by the girl who prefers your friend.

POTTER: Ron, kill it!

VOLDEMORT (as Potter): We were better without you.

                                        Happier without you.

VOLDEMORT (as Granger): Who could look at you compared to Harry Potter?

                                          What are you compared with the Chosen One?

POTTER: Ron, it's lying!

VOLDEMORT (as Potter): Your mother confessed she would have preferred me as a son.

VOLDEMORT (as Granger): What woman would take you?

                                          You are nothing.


                                          Nothing compared to him.

WEASLEY: Just think ...

                ... only three to go.

Hermione? (Hermiona?)
Are you mental? (Si zmešan?)
It was you? (Si bil ti?)
Well, yeah. Bit obvious, I think. (Ja. Ni očitno?)
And you cast the doe as well, did you? (Si tudi košuto poslal ti?)
No, I thought that was you. (Ne, mislil sem, da si jo ti.)
No, my Patronus is a stag. (Ne, moj varuh je jelen.)
Right. Yeah. Antlers. (Saj res, rogovi.)
Okay, Ron. Do it. (Dobro, Ron, daj.)
I can't handle it. That thing affects me more than it affects you and Hermione. (Ne bom mogel. Name vpliva bolj kot na vaju s Hermiono.)
All the more reason. (Torej imaš razlog več.)
No. I can't. (Ne, ne morem.)
Then why are you here? (Zakaj si potem tu?)
Why did you come back? (Zakaj si se potem vrnil?)
Now, I'll have to speak to it in order for it to open. When it does, don't hesitate. (Odgovoriti ga bom moral, da se bo odprl, ti pa ne oklevaj.)
I don't know what's in there, but it'll put up a fight. (Ne vem, kaj je notri, a se bo upiralo.)
The bit of Riddle that was in that diary tried to kill me. (Del Neelstina v dnevniku me je hotel ubiti.)
All right.
One ... (Ena.)
... two ... (Dve.)
... three. (Tri.)
I have seen your heart, and it is mine. (Videl sem tvoje srce. Moje je.)
I have seen your dreams, Ronald Weasley ... (Videl sem tvoje sanje, Ronald Weasley.)
... and I have seen your fears. (In videl sem tvoje strahove.)
Least loved by your mother, who craved a daughter. (Najmanj pri srcu mami, ki si je želela hčerke.)
Least loved by the girl who prefers your friend. (Najmanj pri srcu dekletu, ki ima raje tvojega prijatelja.)
Ron, kill it! (Ron, ubij ga!)
We were better without you. (Brez tebe nama je bilo bolje.)
Happier without you. (Brez tebe sva srečnejša.)
Who could look at you compared to Harry Potter? (Kdo si v primerjavi s Harryjem?)
What are you compared with the Chosen One? (Kaj si v primerjavi z Izbranim?)
Ron, it's lying! (Ron, laže ti!)
Your mother confessed she would have preferred me as a son. (Tvoja mama je priznala, da bi imela za sina raje mene.)
What woman would take you? (Katera ženska bi te hotela?)
You are nothing. (Nihče si.)
Nothing. (Nihče.)
Nothing compared to him. (Nihče v primerjavi z njim.)
Just think ... (Pomisli,)
... only three to go. (samo še trije so ostali.)

Srebrna Košuta - The Silver Doe

(audio 181. poglavja (o19. poglavje) = 2797 sekund ali 46min 37s, prebral: Stephen Fry)

(audio 181. poglavja (o19. poglavje) = 2555 sekund ali 42min 35s, prebral: Jim Dale)

(181. poglavje (o19. poglavje) = 517 stavkov, glej spodaj, prevedel: Jakob J. Kenda) 


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