
ponedeljek, 27. oktober 2008

KNJIGA ŠT. o5 - 149. DEL (Skrajno Lepljiv Spomin (Komoden Spomin) - A Sluggish Memory) (o3oo)

186 - Skrajno Lepljiv Spomin (Komoden Spomin) - A Sluggish Memory

GRANGER: It's easy for them to get to you.

                You're bloody lucky you weren't killed. You have to realize who you are, Harry.

POTTER: I know who I am, Hermione, all right?


WEASLEY: Lav, come on. Of course I'll wear it.

BROWN: That's my Won-Won.

GRANGER: Excuse me, I have to go and vomit.

SLUGHORN: I'd like to know where you get your information.

                  More knowledgeable than half the staff, you are.


                      ... is it true that Professor Merrythought is retiring?

SLUGHORN: Now, Tom. I couldn't tell you if I knew, could I?

                   By the way, thank you for the pineapple. You're quite right, it is my favorite.

                   But how did you know?

VOLDEMORT: Intuition.

SLUGHORN: Gracious. Is it that time already?

                  Off you go, boys, or Professor Dippet will have us all in detention.

                  Look sharp, Tom. Don't want to be caught out of bed after hours.

                  Is something on your mind, Tom?

VOLDEMORT: Yes, sir.

                      You see, I couldn't think of anyone else to go to.

                      The other professors, well, they're not like you.

                      They might misunderstand.


VOLDEMORT: I was in the library the other night ...

                      ... in the Restricted Section ...

                      ... and I read something rather odd about a bit of rare magic.

                      And I thought perhaps you could illuminate me.

                      It's called, as I understand it ...

SLUGHORN: I beg your pardon?

                  I don't know anything about such things, and if I did, I wouldn't tell you!

                  Now, get out of here at once, and don't let me ever catch you mentioning it again!


                         I'd be surprised if you weren't.

POTTER: Well, I don't understand. What happened?

DUMBLEDORE: This is perhaps the most important memory I've collected.

                         It is also a lie.

                         This memory has been tampered with ...

                         ... by the same person whose memory it is, our old friend, Professor Slughorn.

POTTER: But why would he tamper with his own memory?

DUMBLEDORE: I suspect he's ashamed of it.


DUMBLEDORE: Why, indeed?

                         I asked you to get to know Professor Slughorn, and you have done so.

                         Now I want you to persuade him to divulge his true memory ...

                         ... any way you can.

POTTER: I don't know him that well, sir.

DUMBLEDORE: This memory is everything.

                         Without it, we are blind.

                         Without it, we leave the fate of our world to chance.

                         You have no choice.

                         You must not fail.

SLUGHORN: So I'd highly recommend you reacquaint yourself ...

                  ... with the chapter on antidotes.

                  I'll tell you more about bezoars in our next class. Right, off you go.

                  Alys, don't forget your rat tail.

                  Aha. If it isn't the Prince of Potions himself.

                  To what do I owe this pleasure?

POTTER: Sir, I wondered if I might ask you something.

SLUGHORN: Ask away, dear boy, ask away.

POTTER: The other day I was in the library, in the Restricted Section ...

              ... and I came across something rather odd about a very rare piece of magic.

SLUGHORN: Yes. And what was this rare piece of magic?

POTTER: Well, I don't know. I can't remember the name exactly.

               It got me wondering, are there some kinds of magic you're not allowed to teach us?

SLUGHORN: I'm Potions Master, Harry.

                  I think your question'd better be posed to Professor Snape.

POTTER: Yes. Um ...

              He and I don't exactly see eye to eye, sir.

              What I mean to say is ...

              ... well, he's not like you.

              He might misunderstand.

SLUGHORN: Yes. There can be no light without the dark.

                  And so it is with magic. Myself, I always strive to live within the light.

                  I suggest you do the same.

POTTER: Is that what you told Tom Riddle, when he came asking questions?

SLUGHORN: Dumbledore put you up to this, didn't he?

                  Didn't he?


                  Oh, it's you, Potter.

                  I'm sorry, I'm busy at the moment.

Ministry Disappearances Continue (Izginotja na ministrstvu)
It's easy for them to get to you. (Zlahka te napadejo.)
You're bloody lucky you weren't killed. You have to realize who you are, Harry. (Srečo imaš, da si živ. Zavedati se moraš, kdo si.)
I know who I am, Hermione, all right? (Vem, kdo sem.)
Sorry. (Oprosti.)
Lav, come on. Of course I'll wear it. (Daj no, Lavender. Seveda jo bom nosil.)
That's my Won-Won. (Moj mali Bon-Bon.)
Excuse me, I have to go and vomit. (Oprosti, bruhat grem.)
I'd like to know where you get your information. (Od kod ti ti podatki?)
More knowledgeable than half the staff, you are. (Bolje si obveščen od polovice profesorjev.)
Sir ...
... is it true that Professor Merrythought is retiring? (Se bo profesorica Myladusha res upokojila?)
Now, Tom. I couldn't tell you if I knew, could I? (Mark, ne bi ti smel povedati, četudi bi vedel.)
By the way, thank you for the pineapple. You're quite right, it is my favorite. (Hvala za ananas. Prav imaš, res je moj najljubši sadež.)
But how did you know? (A kako si vedel?)
Intuition. (Občutek.)
Gracious. Is it that time already? (Kako pozno je že.)
Off you go, boys, or Professor Dippet will have us all in detention. (Odpravite se, da ne bomo vsi v težavah.)
Look sharp, Tom. Don't want to be caught out of bed after hours. (Podvizaj se, Mark, da te ne zalotijo tako pozno zunaj.)
Is something on your mind, Tom? (Te kaj bega, Mark?)
Yes, sir. (Ja.)
You see, I couldn't think of anyone else to go to. (Nisem vedel, na koga bi se obrnil.)
The other professors, well, they're not like you. (Drugi profesorji niso kot vi.)
They might misunderstand. (Narobe bi me lahko razumeli.)
Go on. (Povej.)
I was in the library the other night ... (Zadnjič sem bil)
... in the Restricted Section ... (v prepovedanem oddelku knjižnice.)
... and I read something rather odd about a bit of rare magic. (Prebral sem nekaj čudnega o redki vrsti magije.)
And I thought perhaps you could illuminate me. (Upal sem, da bi mi lahko povedali kaj več.)
It's called, as I understand it ... (Če sem si prav zapomnil, se ji reče ...)
I beg your pardon? (Kako?)
I don't know anything about such things, and if I did, I wouldn't tell you! (Ničesar ne vem o tem. In tudi če bi, ti ne bi povedal!)
Now, get out of here at once, and don't let me ever catch you mentioning it again! (Zdaj pa se hitro poberi. In da mi ne omeniš več tega!)
Confused? (Si zbegan?)
I'd be surprised if you weren't. (Presenetilo bi me, če ne bi bil.)
Well, I don't understand. What happened? (Ne razumem. Kaj se je zgodilo?)
This is perhaps the most important memory I've collected. (To je verjetno najpomembnejši spomin v moji zbirki.)
It is also a lie. (Ki pa je hkrati laž.)
This memory has been tampered with ... (Ta spomin je predelal tisti,)
... by the same person whose memory it is, our old friend, Professor Slughorn. (čigar last je. Najin prijatelj Limax Hudlagod.)
But why would he tamper with his own memory? (Zakaj bi predelal svoj spomin?)
I suspect he's ashamed of it. (Verjetno se ga sramuje.)
Why? (Zakaj?)
Why, indeed? (Ja, le zakaj?)
I asked you to get to know Professor Slughorn, and you have done so. (Spoprijateljil si se s profesorjem Hudlagodom, kot sem te prosil.)
Now I want you to persuade him to divulge his true memory ... (Zdaj pa bi ga moral prepričati, naj ti izda pravi spomin.)
... any way you can. 
I don't know him that well, sir. (Ne poznam ga tako dobro.)
This memory is everything. (Ta spomin pomeni vse.)
Without it, we are blind. (Brez njega smo slepi.)
Without it, we leave the fate of our world to chance. (Brez njega je usoda našega sveta prepuščena naključju.)
You have no choice. (Nimaš izbire.)
You must not fail. (Ne sme ti spodleteti.)
So I'd highly recommend you reacquaint yourself ... 
... with the chapter on antidotes. (Priporočam, da dobro proučite poglavje o protistrupih.)
I'll tell you more about bezoars in our next class. Right, off you go. (Prihodnjo uro bom povedal več o bezoarjih. Zdaj pa pojdite.)
Alys, don't forget your rat tail. (Ne pozabi podganjega repa.)
Aha. If it isn't the Prince of Potions himself. (Če ni to sam princ napojev.)
To what do I owe this pleasure? (Čemu ta čast?)
Sir, I wondered if I might ask you something. (Nekaj bi vas rad vprašal.)
Ask away, dear boy, ask away. (Kar vprašaj, dragi moj.)
The other day I was in the library, in the Restricted Section ... (Zadnjič sem bil v prepovedanem oddelku knjižnice.)
... and I came across something rather odd about a very rare piece of magic. (Naletel sem na čuden opis precej redke vrste magije.)
Yes. And what was this rare piece of magic? (In katera je ta redka magija?)
Well, I don't know. I can't remember the name exactly. (Ne vem. Ne spomnim se imena.)
It got me wondering, are there some kinds of magic you're not allowed to teach us? (Zanima me, ali obstajajo vrste magije, ki jih ne smete učiti.)
I'm Potions Master, Harry. (Napoje učim, Harry.)
I think your question'd better be posed to Professor Snape. (To bi moral vprašati profesorja Rawsa.)
Yes. Um ...
He and I don't exactly see eye to eye, sir. (Z njim se ne razumem najbolje.)
What I mean to say is ... (Reči hočem,)
... well, he's not like you. (da ni tak kot vi.)
He might misunderstand. (Narobe bi me lahko razumel.)
Yes. There can be no light without the dark. (Brez teme ni svetlobe.)
And so it is with magic. Myself, I always strive to live within the light. (Enako je z magijo. Sam se trudim živeti v svetlobi.)
I suggest you do the same. (Tudi tebi svetujem enako.)
Is that what you told Tom Riddle, when he came asking questions? (Ste to rekli tudi Marku, ko je prišel z vprašanji?)
Dumbledore put you up to this, didn't he? (Dumbledore te je naščuval k temu, ne?)
Didn't he? (Kajne?)
Yes? (Ja?)
Oh, it's you, Potter. (A, ti si, Potter.)
I'm sorry, I'm busy at the moment. (Žal nimam časa.)

187 - Nevarni Napitki - Perilous Potions

WEASLEY: It's beautiful, isn't it? The moon.

POTTER: Divine.

              Had ourselves a little late-night snack, did we?

WEASLEY: It was on your bed, the box. I just thought I'd try one.

POTTER: Or 20.

WEASLEY: I can't stop thinking about her, Harry.

POTTER: Honestly, I reckoned she was annoying you.

WEASLEY: She could never annoy me.

                I think I love her.

POTTER: Well, brilliant.

WEASLEY: Do you think she knows I exist?

POTTER: I hope so. She's been snogging you for three months.

WEASLEY: Snogging? Who are you talking about?

POTTER: Who are you talking about?

WEASLEY: Romilda, of course. Romilda Vane.

POTTER: Okay, very funny.

              What was that for?

WEASLEY: It's no joke! I'm in love with her!

POTTER: Fine, you're in love with her. Have you ever actually met her?

WEASLEY: No. Can you introduce me?

POTTER: Come on, Ron. I'm gonna introduce you to Romilda Vane.

              I'm sorry, sir. I wouldn't bother you if it weren't absolutely essential.

WEASLEY: Where's Romilda?

SLUGHORN: What's the matter with Wenby?

POTTER: Very powerful love potion.

SLUGHORN: Very well. Better bring him in.

                  I'd have thought you could whip up a remedy for this in no time, Harry.

POTTER: Well, I thought this called for a more practiced hand, sir.

WEASLEY: Hello, darling. Fancy a drink?

SLUGHORN: Perhaps you're right.

POTTER: I'm sorry, by the way, professor, about earlier today, our misunderstanding.

SLUGHORN: Oh, not at all. All water under the bridge, you know? Correct?

POTTER: I expect you're tired of it after all these years.

              All the questions about Voldemort.

SLUGHORN: Don't use that name.

                  There you are, old boy. Bottoms up.

WEASLEY: What's this?

SLUGHORN: Tonic for the nerves.

WEASLEY: What happened to me?

POTTER: Love potion.

SLUGHORN: A bloody strong one at that.

WEASLEY: I feel really bad.

SLUGHORN: You need a pick-me-up.

                  Got Butterbeer, wine, dazzling oak-matured mead.

                  I had other intentions for this, but I think, given the circumstances ...

                  Here we are, Potter.

                  To life!


              Ron. Professor, do something.

SLUGHORN: I don't understand.

POTTER: Come on, Ron, breathe.

WEASLEY: These girls, they're gonna kill me.

DUMBLEDORE: Quick thinking on your part, Harry, using a bezoar.

                         You must be very proud of your student, Horace.

SLUGHORN: Hm? Oh, yes, very proud.

MCGONAGALL: I think we agree, Potter's actions were heroic.

                         The question is, why were they necessary?

DUMBLEDORE: Why, indeed?

                         This appears to be a gift, Horace.

                         You don't remember, who gave you this bottle?

                         Which, by the way, possesses remarkably subtle hints of licorice and cherry ...

                         ... when not polluted with poison.

SLUGHORN: Actually I had intended to give it as a gift myself.

DUMBLEDORE: To whom, I might ask?

SLUGHORN: To you, Headmaster.

BROWN: Where is he?

             Where's my Won-Won? Has he been asking for me?

             What's she doing here?

GRANGER: I might ask you the same question.

BROWN: I happen to be his girlfriend.

GRANGER: I happen to be his friend.

BROWN: Don't make me laugh. You haven't spoken in weeks.

             I suppose you want to make up now that he's all interesting.

GRANGER: He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo!

                And for the record, I've always found him interesting.

BROWN: Ah. See? He senses my presence.

             Don't worry. Won-Won. I'm here.

             I'm here.

WEASLEY: Uh ... Hermione ...



DUMBLEDORE: Oh, to be young, and to feel love's keen sting.

                         Well, come away, everybody.

                         Mr. Weasley is well tended.

GINNY: About time, don't you think?

POTTER: Thank you.

GRANGER: Oh, shut up.

It's beautiful, isn't it? The moon. (Čudovit je, ne? Mesec.)
Divine. (Božanski.)
Had ourselves a little late-night snack, did we? (Si si privoščil pozni prigrizek?)
It was on your bed, the box. I just thought I'd try one. (Na tvoji postelji so bile. Eno sem hotel poskusiti.)
Or 20. (Ali pa 20.)
I can't stop thinking about her, Harry. (Ves čas mislim nanjo.)
Honestly, I reckoned she was annoying you. (Mislil sem, da te že rahlo najeda.)
She could never annoy me. (Ona pa nikoli.)
I think I love her. (Mislim, da jo ljubim.)
Well, brilliant. (Ja, krasno.)
Do you think she knows I exist? (Pa sploh ve, da obstajam?)
I hope so. She's been snogging you for three months. (Upam. Tri mesece te že kušuje.)
Snogging? Who are you talking about? (Kušuje? O kom pa govoriš?)
Who are you talking about? (O kom govoriš ti?)
Romilda, of course. Romilda Vane. (O Romildi. Romildi Bahec.)
Okay, very funny. (Res duhovito.)
What was that for? (Zakaj pa to?)
It's no joke! I'm in love with her! (To ni šala! Zaljubljen sem vanjo!)
Fine, you're in love with her. Have you ever actually met her? (Dobro, zaljubljen si vanjo. Pa si jo sploh kdaj srečal?)
No. Can you introduce me? (Ne. Mi jo boš predstavil?)
Come on, Ron. I'm gonna introduce you to Romilda Vane. (Pridi, Ron. Predstavil te bom Romildi.)
Dear Harry!(Dragi Harry!)
O tebi mislim sladke misli. Romilda (Thinking sweet thoughts of you. Romilda)
I'm sorry, sir. I wouldn't bother you if it weren't absolutely essential. (Oprostite, ne bi vas motil, če ne bi bilo res nujno.)
Where's Romilda? (Kje je Romilda?)
What's the matter with Wenby? (Kaj pa je Wenbyju?)
Very powerful love potion. (Zelo močan ljubezenski napoj.)
Very well. Better bring him in. (Prav, pripelji ga noter.)
I'd have thought you could whip up a remedy for this in no time, Harry. (Mislil sem, da boš znal sam pripraviti zdravilo.)
Well, I thought this called for a more practiced hand, sir. (Tole zahteva večjega poznavalca.)
Hello, darling. Fancy a drink? (Živjo, ljubica. Bi šla na pijačo?)
Perhaps you're right. (Verjetno imaš prav.)
I'm sorry, by the way, professor, about earlier today, our misunderstanding. (Žal mi je za današnji nesporazum, profesor.)
Oh, not at all. All water under the bridge, you know? Correct? (Pozabi. To je že preteklost, kajne?)
I expect you're tired of it after all these years. (Verjetno ste po tolikih letih naveličani)
All the questions about Voldemort. (vprašanj o Mrlakensteinu.)
Don't use that name. (Ne izgovarjaj imena!)
There you are, old boy. Bottoms up. (Takole, poba. Spij.)
What's this? (Kaj je to?)
Tonic for the nerves. (Tonik za živce.)
What happened to me? (Kaj se mi je zgodilo?)
Love potion. (Ljubezenski napoj.)
A bloody strong one at that. (In to hudičevo močan.)
I feel really bad. (Slabo se počutim.)
You need a pick-me-up. (Kaj močnega potrebuješ.)
Got Butterbeer, wine, dazzling oak-matured mead. (Maslenoušek imam, vino, hrastovo medico.)
I had other intentions for this, but I think, given the circumstances ... (Tole sem mislil podariti, a glede na okoliščine ...)
Here we are, Potter. (Izvoli, Potter.)
To life! (Na življenje!)
Ron. Professor, do something. (Profesor, ukrenite kaj!)
I don't understand. (Ne razumem.)
Come on, Ron, breathe. (Daj, Ron. Dihaj.)
These girls, they're gonna kill me. (Te punce me bodo še spravile pod rušo.)
Quick thinking on your part, Harry, using a bezoar. (Pametno, Harry, da si uporabil bezoar.)
You must be very proud of your student, Horace. (Gotovo si ponosen na svojega učenca, Limax.)
Hm? Oh, yes, very proud. (Ja, zelo ponosen.)
I think we agree, Potter's actions were heroic. (Potter se je res junaško izkazal.)
The question is, why were they necessary? (A zakaj je bilo to potrebno?)
Why, indeed? (Res, zakaj?)
This appears to be a gift, Horace. (Tole je očitno darilo.)
You don't remember, who gave you this bottle? (Veš, kdo ti je dal steklenico?)
Which, by the way, possesses remarkably subtle hints of licorice and cherry ... (V kateri je drugače vino s pridihom sladiča in češenj,)
... when not polluted with poison. (kadar ni začinjeno s strupom.)
Actually I had intended to give it as a gift myself. (Pravzaprav sem jo mislil podariti naprej.)
To whom, I might ask? (Komu pa?)
To you, Headmaster. (Tebi, ravnatelj.)
Where is he? (Kje je?)
Where's my Won-Won? Has he been asking for me? (Kje je moj Bon-Bon? Je vprašal po meni?)
What's she doing here? (Zakaj pa je ta tukaj?)
I might ask you the same question. (Lahko bi te vprašala isto.)
I happen to be his girlfriend. (Slučajno sem njegovo dekle.)
I happen to be his friend. (Jaz pa sem njegova prijateljica.)
Don't make me laugh. You haven't spoken in weeks. (Res smešno. Več tednov že ne govorita.)
I suppose you want to make up now that he's all interesting. (Verjetno se hočeš pobotati, zdaj ko je postal zanimiv.)
He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo! (Zastrupili so ga, trola neumna.)
And for the record, I've always found him interesting. (In meni se je vedno zdel zanimiv.)
Ah. See? He senses my presence. (Vidiš? Začutil je mojo navzočnost.)
Don't worry. Won-Won. I'm here. (Ne skrbi, Bon-Bon. Tu sem.)
I'm here. (Tu sem.)
Uh ... Hermione ... (Hermiona.)
Hermione. (Hermiona.)
Hermione. (Hermiona.)
Oh, to be young, and to feel love's keen sting. (Ah, mladost in ljubezenske bolečine.)
Well, come away, everybody. (Pojdimo.)
Mr. Weasley is well tended. (Za g. Weasleyja je dobro poskrbljeno.)
About time, don't you think? (Končno, se ti ne zdi?)
Thank you. (Hvala.)
Oh, shut up. (Utihni.)

188 - Sectumsempra (Sektumsempra) - Sectumsempra

GRANGER: Stop it, Ron. You're making it snow.

WEASLEY: Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again.

GRANGER: Um, well ...

                ... she came to visit you in the hospital.

                And you talked.

                I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation.

WEASLEY: Don't get me wrong, I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her.

                It's just she seems a bit put out.

GRANGER: Yes, she does, doesn't she?

                You say you don't remember anything from that night?

                Anything at all?

WEASLEY: There is something.

                But it can't be. I was completely boggled, wasn't I?

GRANGER: Right. Boggled.


                That's Katie.

                Katie Bell.

POTTER: Katie. How are you?

BELL: I know you're going to ask, Harry, but I don't know who cursed me.

        I've been trying to remember, honestly.

        But I just can't.

LEANNE: Katie?

POTTER: I know what you did, Malfoy. You hexed her, didn't you?


SNAPE: Vulnera Sanentur.

           Vulnera Sanentur.

           Vulnera Sanentur.

Stop it, Ron. You're making it snow. (Nehaj, Ron. Sneg delaš.)
Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again. (Še enkrat mi povej, kako sem pustil Lavender.)
Um, well ...
... she came to visit you in the hospital. (Prišla te je obiskat v ambulanto.)
And you talked. (Ti pa si govoril.)
I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation. (Pogovor sicer ni bil ravno dolg.)
Don't get me wrong, I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her. (Ne razumita me narobe. Vesel sem, da sem se je znebil.)
It's just she seems a bit put out. (Ampak se mi zdi rahlo jezna.)
Yes, she does, doesn't she? (Ja, res je, kajne?)
You say you don't remember anything from that night? (Se ne spomniš ničesar tistega večera?)
Anything at all? (Niti pikice?)
There is something. (Nečesa se res.)
But it can't be. I was completely boggled, wasn't I? (Ampak je nemogoče. Omamljen sem bil, ne?)
Right. Boggled. (Ja, omamljen.)
Sectumsempra - For Enemies (Sectumsempra - za sovražnike)
That's Katie. (To je Katie.)
Katie Bell. (Katie Bell.)
Katie. How are you? (Katie, kako si?)
I know you're going to ask, Harry, but I don't know who cursed me. (Vem, kaj me boš vprašal, a ne vem, kdo me je uročil.)
I've been trying to remember, honestly. (Skušam se spomniti, res.)
But I just can't. (Ampak se ne morem.)
I know what you did, Malfoy. You hexed her, didn't you? (Vem, kaj si naredil, Malfoy. Uročil si jo, ne?)
Sectumsempra! (Sectumsempra!)
Vulnera Sanentur. (Ranula zacelitis.)
Vulnera Sanentur. (Ranula zacelitis.)
Vulnera Sanentur. (Ranula zacelitis.)

189 - Skrivanje Knjige - Hiding The Book

GINNY: You have to get rid of it. Today.

          Take my hand.

POTTER: The Room of Requirement.

GINNY: We need to hide the Half-Blood Prince's book ...

           ... where no one will ever find it, including you.

POTTER & GINNY: What was that?


           You never know what you'll find up here.

           All right, close your eyes. That way you can't be tempted.

           Close your eyes.

           That can stay hidden up here too, if you like.

WEASLEY: So did you and Ginny do it, then?


WEASLEY: You know, hide the book?

POTTER: Oh, yeah.

SLUGHORN: Ah. Dear, yes.

WEASLEY: Still no luck with Slughorn, then, I take it?


              That's it. All I need's a bit of luck.

You have to get rid of it. Today. (Znebiti se je moraš. Še danes.)
Take my hand. (Primi me za roko.)
The Room of Requirement. (Sobana KŽTD.)
We need to hide the Half-Blood Prince's book ... (Knjigo Princa mešane krvi morava skriti tako,)
... where no one will ever find it, including you. (da je ne bo nihče več našel. Niti ti.)
What was that? (Kaj je bilo to?)
See? (Vidiš?)
You never know what you'll find up here. (Nikoli ne veš, kaj boš našel tu zgoraj.)
All right, close your eyes. That way you can't be tempted. (Zdaj pa zapri oči. Tako ne boš v skušnjavi.)
Close your eyes. (Zapri oči.)
That can stay hidden up here too, if you like. (Tudi to lahko ostane skrito tu, če želiš.)
So did you and Ginny do it, then? (Sta z Ginny opravila?)
What? (Kaj?)
You know, hide the book? (Sta skrila knjigo?)
Oh, yeah. (Ja, sva.)
Ah. Dear, yes. (Ojoj, ja.)
Still no luck with Slughorn, then, I take it? (Očitno še nisi imel sreče s Hudlagodom.)
Luck. (Sreče?)
That's it. All I need's a bit of luck. (Tako je, samo malce sreče potrebujem.)

19o - Utekočinjena Sreča - Liquid Luck

GRANGER: Well, how do you feel?

POTTER: Excellent.

              Really excellent.

GRANGER: Remember ...

                ... Slughorn usually eats early ...

                ... takes a walk, and then returns to his office.

POTTER: Right.

              I'm going down to Hagrid's.


                No, Harry, you've got to go and speak to Slughorn.

                We have a plan.

POTTER: I know ...

              ... but I've got a good feeling about Hagrid's.

              I feel it's the place to be tonight. Do you know what I mean?


POTTER: Well, trust me, I know what I'm doing.

              Or Felix does.


SLUGHORN: Merlin's beard, Harry!

POTTER: Sorry, sir. I should've announced myself. Cleared my throat, coughed.

              You probably feared I was Professor Sprout.

SLUGHORN: Yes, I did, actually. What makes you think that?

POTTER: Well, just the general behavior, sir.

              The sneaking around, the jumping when you saw me.

              Are those Tentacula leaves, sir? They're very valuable, aren't they?

SLUGHORN: Ten Galleons a leaf to the right buyer.

                  Not that I'm familiar with any such transactions, but one does hear rumors.

                  My own interests are purely academic, of course.

POTTER: Personally, these plants always kind of freaked me out.

SLUGHORN: How did you get out of the castle, Harry?

POTTER: Through the front door, sir.

              I'm off to Hagrid's. He's a very dear friend ...

              ... and I fancied paying him a visit.

              So if you don't mind, I will be going now.



SLUGHORN: It's nearly nightfall.

                  Surely you realize I can't allow you to go roaming the grounds by yourself.

POTTER: Well, then, by all means, come along, sir.

SLUGHORN: Harry, I must insist you accompany me ...

                  ... back to the castle immediately!

POTTER: That would be counterproductive, sir.

SLUGHORN: And what makes you say that?

POTTER: No idea.

HAGRID: Horace.

SLUGHORN: Merlin's beard. Is that an actual Acromantula?

POTTER: A dead one, I think, sir.


                  Dear fellow, however did you manage to kill it?

HAGRID: Kill it? Me oldest friend, he was.

SLUGHORN: I'm so sorry, I didn't ...

HAGRID: Don't worry yourself, you're not alone.

             Seriously misunderstood creatures, spiders are.

             It's the eyes, I reckon. They unnerve some folk.

POTTER: Not to mention the pincers.

HAGRID: Yeah, I reckon that too.

SLUGHORN: Hagrid, the last thing I wish to be is indelicate ...

                  ... but Acromantular venom is uncommonly rare.

                  Would you allow me to extract a vial or two?

                  Purely for academic purposes, you understand.

HAGRID: Well, I don't suppose it's going to do him much good now, is it?

SLUGHORN: My thoughts exactly.

                   Always have a ampoule or two about my person for just such occasions as this.

                   Old Potions Master's habit, you know.

HAGRID: I wish you could've seen him in his prime.

             Magnificent, he was. Just magnificent.

SLUGHORN: Oh, dear.

                  Would you like me to say a few words?


SLUGHORN: He had a family, I trust?

POTTER: Oh, yeah.

SLUGHORN: Farewell ...

HAGRID: Aragog.

SLUGHORN: Farewell, Aragog ...

                  ... king of the arachnids.

                  Your body will decay ...

                  ... but your spirit lingers on.

                  And your human friends find solace in the loss they have sustained.

Well, how do you feel? (Kako se počutiš?)
Excellent. (Odlično.)
Really excellent. (Res odlično.)
Remember ...
... Slughorn usually eats early ... (Hudlagod zgodaj večerja,) 
... takes a walk, and then returns to his office. (potem gre na sprehod in se vrne v kabinet.)
Right. (Dobro.)
I'm going down to Hagrid's. (K Hagridu grem.)
What? (Kaj?)
No, Harry, you've got to go and speak to Slughorn. (Ne, Harry, pogovoriti se moraš s Hudlagodom.)
We have a plan. (Načrt smo naredili.)
I know ... (Vem,)
... but I've got a good feeling about Hagrid's. (vendar imam dober občutek s Hagridom.)
I feel it's the place to be tonight. Do you know what I mean? (Čutim, da je nocoj dobro iti tja. Veš, kaj mislim?)
No. (Ne.)
Well, trust me, I know what I'm doing. (Zaupaj mi. Vem, kaj delam.)
Or Felix does. (Oziroma blagis ve.)
Merlin's beard, Harry! (Pri Merlinovi bradi, Harry!)
Sorry, sir. I should've announced myself. Cleared my throat, coughed. (Oprostite, moral bi se oglasiti, se odkašljati.)
You probably feared I was Professor Sprout. (Verjetno ste se bali, da je profesorica Ochrowt.)
Yes, I did, actually. What makes you think that? (Ja, dejansko res. Kako pa veš?)
Well, just the general behavior, sir. (Po vašem vedenju.)
The sneaking around, the jumping when you saw me. (Plazite se okoli, ko ste me videli, pa ste poskočili.)
Are those Tentacula leaves, sir? They're very valuable, aren't they? (So to pipačini listi? Veliko so vredni, ne?)
Ten Galleons a leaf to the right buyer. (10 guldov za list,)
Not that I'm familiar with any such transactions, but one does hear rumors. (čeprav se ne spoznam na črno borzo.)
My own interests are purely academic, of course. (Mene zanima čisto akademsko, seveda.)
Personally, these plants always kind of freaked me out. (Jaz pa se jih od nekdaj malce bojim.)
How did you get out of the castle, Harry? (Kako si sploh prišel iz gradu?)
Through the front door, sir. (Skozi glavna vrata.)
I'm off to Hagrid's. He's a very dear friend ... (K Hagridu grem. Prijatelja sva,)
... and I fancied paying him a visit. (zato ga bom obiskal.)
So if you don't mind, I will be going now. (Če nimate nič proti, bom zdaj šel.)
It's nearly nightfall. (Kmalu se bo znočilo.)
Surely you realize I can't allow you to go roaming the grounds by yourself. (Ne morem dovoliti, da se sam potikaš okoli.)
Well, then, by all means, come along, sir. (Potem pa pojdite z mano.)
Harry, I must insist you accompany me ... (Harry, vztrajam, da se takoj vrneš z mano v grad.)
... back to the castle immediately!
That would be counterproductive, sir. (To pa ne bi bilo ravno učinkovito.)
And what makes you say that? (Zakaj tako misliš?)
No idea. (Ne vem.)
Horace. (Limax.)
Merlin's beard. Is that an actual Acromantula? (Pri Merlinovi bradi, je to prava akromantela?)
A dead one, I think, sir. (Ampak mrtva, se bojim.)
Good God. (Mejduš.)
Dear fellow, however did you manage to kill it? (Kako pa ti ga je uspelo ubiti?)
Kill it? Me oldest friend, he was. (Ubiti? Bil je moj najstarejši prijatelj.)
I'm so sorry, I didn't ... (Žal mi je, nisem vedel.)
Don't worry yourself, you're not alone. (Ne skrbite, niste edini.)
Seriously misunderstood creatures, spiders are. (Pajki so povsem nerazumljena bitja.)
It's the eyes, I reckon. They unnerve some folk. (Zaradi oči. Nekateri postanejo živčni.)
Not to mention the pincers. (In zaradi klešč.)
Yeah, I reckon that too. (Najbrž tudi.)
Hagrid, the last thing I wish to be is indelicate ... (Ne bi bil rad neolikan,)
... but Acromantular venom is uncommonly rare. (ampak akromantelin strup je izjemno redek.)
Would you allow me to extract a vial or two? (Bi ga smel vzeti kakšno stekleničko)
Purely for academic purposes, you understand. (za akademske namene?)
Well, I don't suppose it's going to do him much good now, is it? (Zdaj mu tako ne koristi več.)
My thoughts exactly. (Strinjam se.)
Always have a ampoule or two about my person for just such occasions as this. (Zaradi takšnih priložnosti imam vedno pri sebi ampulo.)
Old Potions Master's habit, you know. (Navada starega mojstra napojev.)
I wish you could've seen him in his prime. (Ko bi ga videli v najboljših letih ...)
Magnificent, he was. Just magnificent. (Veličasten je bil. Veličasten.)
Oh, dear.
Would you like me to say a few words? (Želiš, da povem nekaj besed?)
Yes. (Ja.)
He had a family, I trust? (Najbrž je imel družino, ne?)
Oh, yeah. (O, ja.)
Farewell ... (Zbogom ...)
Aragog. (Aragog.)
Farewell, Aragog ... (Zbogom, Aragog,)
... king of the arachnids. (kralj pajkovcev.)
Your body will decay ... (Tvoje truplo bo razpadlo,)
... but your spirit lingers on. (duh pa živi še naprej.)
And your human friends find solace in the loss they have sustained. (In tvojim človeškim prijateljem nudi tolažbo ob tvoji izgubi.)

Skrajno Lepljiv Spomin (Komoden Spomin) - A Sluggish Memory

(audio 149. poglavja (o17. poglavje) = 2738 sekund ali 45min 38s, prebral: Stephen Fry)

(audio 149. poglavja (o17. poglavje) = 2455 sekund ali 4omin 55s, prebral: Jim Dale)

(149. poglavje (o17. poglavje) = 517 stavkov, glej spodaj, prevedel: Jakob J. Kenda) 

(149. poglavje (o17. poglavje) = 517 stavkov, glej spodaj, prevedel: Branko Gradišnik) 


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