
ponedeljek, 27. oktober 2008

KNJIGA ŠT. o5 - 124. DEL (Grop - Grawp) (o3oo)

157 - Grop - Grawp

UMBRIDGE: Boys and girls are not permitted to be within eight inches of each other.

                  Those wishing to join the Inquisitorial Squad for extra credit ...

                  Students will be submitted to questioning about suspected illicit activities.

                  Any student in noncompliance will be expelled.

CHANG: Harry.

WEASLEY: You did everything you could. No one could win against that old hag.

GRANGER: Even Dumbledore didn't see this coming.

                Harry, if it's anyone's fault, it's ours.

WEASLEY: Yeah, we talked you into it.

POTTER: Yeah, but I agreed.

              I tried so hard to help, and all it's done is make things worse.

              Anyway, that doesn't matter anymore.

              Because I don't want to play anymore. All it does is make you care too much.

              And the more you care, the more you have to lose.

              So maybe it's just better to ...

GRANGER: To what?

POTTER: To go it alone.


WEASLEY: Any idea where he's taking us?

POTTER: Hagrid, why can't you just tell us?

HAGRID: I've never seen the centaurs so riled.

             And they're dangerous at the best of times.

             The Ministry restricts their territory much more ...

             ... they'll have a full uprising on their hands.

GRANGER: Hagrid, what's going on?

HAGRID: I'm sorry to be so mysterious, you three.

             I wouldn't be bothering you at all with it, but with Dumbledore gone ...

             ... I'll likely be getting the sack any day now.

             And I just couldn't leave without telling someone about him.


             Down here, you great buffoon.


             Brought you some company.

             I couldn't just leave him, because ...

             Because he's my brother.

WEASLEY: Blimey.

HAGRID: Well, half brother, really.

             He's completely harmless, just like I said. Little high-spirited, is all.

             Grawpy, that is not polite.

WEASLEY: Hagrid, do something.

                We talked about this. You do not grab, do you?

                That's your new friend, Hermione.



                Put me down.


WEASLEY: You all right?


                Just needs a firm hand, is all.

POTTER: I think you've got an admirer.

WEASLEY: You just stay away from her, all right?

HAGRID: He gets his own food and all.

             It's company he'll be needing when I'm gone.

             You will look after him, won't you?

             I'm the only family he's got.

Dolores Jane Umbridge Has Replaced Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Temyna namesto Dumbledorja ravnateljica Bradavičarke)
Boys and girls are not permitted to be within eight inches of each other. (Fantje in dekleta morajo biti vsaj 20 cm narazen.)
Those wishing to join the Inquisitorial Squad for extra credit ... (Kdor želi biti v inkvizitorski skupini ...)
Students will be submitted to questioning about suspected illicit activities. (Učence bomo zaslišali glede prepovedanih dejavnosti.)
Any student in noncompliance will be expelled. (Kdor bo kršil pravila, bo izključen.)
Harry. (Harry.)
You did everything you could. No one could win against that old hag. (Vse si naredil. Nihče ne more nič tej babi.)
Even Dumbledore didn't see this coming. (Tega še Dumbledore ni čakal.)
Harry, if it's anyone's fault, it's ours. (Če je kdo kriv, sva midva.)
Yeah, we talked you into it. (Nagovorila sva te k temu.)
Yeah, but I agreed. (Jaz pa sem pristal.)
I tried so hard to help, and all it's done is make things worse. (Trudil sem se, da bi pomagal, pa sem vse samo poslabšal.)
Anyway, that doesn't matter anymore. (Zdaj je vseeno.)
Because I don't want to play anymore. All it does is make you care too much. (Ker se ne grem več. Samo še hujše breme je.)
And the more you care, the more you have to lose. (In še težje bo izgubiti.)
So maybe it's just better to ... (Raje bom ...)
To what? (Kaj?)
To go it alone. (Sam v tem.)
Hagrid. (Hagrid.)
Any idea where he's taking us? (Kam nas pelje?)
Hagrid, why can't you just tell us? (Hagrid, zakaj nam ne poveš?)
I've never seen the centaurs so riled. (Kentavri še niso bili tako jezni.)
And they're dangerous at the best of times. (Že tako so nevarni.)
The Ministry restricts their territory much more ... (Če jim bo Ministrstvo krčilo teritorij,)
... they'll have a full uprising on their hands. (se bodo uprli.)
Hagrid, what's going on? (Kaj se dogaja?)
I'm sorry to be so mysterious, you three. (Oprostite, ker sem tako skrivnosten.)
I wouldn't be bothering you at all with it, but with Dumbledore gone ... (Ne bi vas moril s tem, ampak Dumbledorja ni več)
... I'll likely be getting the sack any day now. (in vsak čas bom letel s šole.)
And I just couldn't leave without telling someone about him. (Ne morem oditi, ne da bi komu povedal zanj.)
Grawpy. (Gropko!)
Down here, you great buffoon. (Tu sem, butelj velikanski.)
Grawpy. (Gropko.)
Brought you some company. (Družbo sem ti pripeljal.)
I couldn't just leave him, because ... (Nisem ga mogel kar pustiti,)
Because he's my brother. (ker je moj brat.)
Blimey. (Hudirja.)
Well, half brother, really. (Pravzaprav polbrat.)
He's completely harmless, just like I said. Little high-spirited, is all. (Povsem neškodljiv je, kot sem rekel. Samo malo razposajen.)
Grawpy, that is not polite. (To ni vljudno!)
Hagrid, do something. (Naredi kaj!)
We talked about this. You do not grab, do you? (Tako se nikogar ne zgrabi.)
That's your new friend, Hermione. (To je tvoja prijateljica Hermiona.)
Grawpy. (Gropko!)
Grawp. (Grop!)
Put me down. (Spusti me na tla!)
Now. (Takoj!)
You all right? (Si cela?)
Fine. (Ja.)
Just needs a firm hand, is all. (Samo trdo roko potrebuje.)
I think you've got an admirer. (Mislim, da imaš oboževalca.)
You just stay away from her, all right? (Pusti jo pri miru, prav?)
He gets his own food and all. (Hrano si priskrbi sam.)
It's company he'll be needing when I'm gone. (Potreboval pa bo družbo.)
You will look after him, won't you? (Ga boste prišli kaj pogledat?)
I'm the only family he's got. (Nikogar drugega nima.)

158 - Boleč Spomin - Snape's Worst Memory

SNAPE: Feeling sentimental?

POTTER: That's private.

SNAPE: Not to me.

           And not to the Dark Lord, if you don't improve.

           Every memory he has access to is a weapon he can use against you.

           You won't last two seconds if he invades your mind.

           You're just like your father.

           Lazy, arrogant.

POTTER: Don't say a word against my father.

SNAPE: Weak.

POTTER: I'm not weak.

SNAPE: Then prove it.

           Control your emotions.

           Discipline your mind.


BLACK: Harry.

POTTER: Sirius.

SNAPE: I may vomit.

POTTER: Stop it.

SNAPE: Is this what you call control?

POTTER: We've been at it for hours. If I could just rest.

SNAPE: The Dark Lord isn't resting.

           You and Black, you're two of a kind.

           Sentimental children forever whining about how unfair your lives have been.

           Well, it may have escaped your notice, but life isn't fair.

           Your blessed father knew that. In fact, he frequently saw to it.

POTTER: My father was a great man.

SNAPE: Your father was a swine.


POTTER: Protego.

MR. POTTER: Come on, Moony, Padfoot.

                      Snape. Expelliarmus.

BLACK: Nice one, James.


MR. POTTER: Impedimenta.

all (Hogwartians): Snivellus Greasy.

MR. POTTER: Right. Who wants to see me take off Snivelly's trousers?

all (Hogwartians): Snivellus Greasy.

SNAPE: Enough.


           Your lessons are at an end.


SNAPE: Get out.

FRED: What's your name?

MICHAEL: Michael.

FRED: Your hand's gonna be fine, Michael.

GEORGE: Yeah. It's not as bad as it seems. See?

              It's fading already.

FRED: You can hardly see ours anymore, and the pain stops after a while.

UMBRIDGE: As I told you once before, Mr. Potter ...

                  ... naughty children deserve to be punished.

FRED: You know, George ...

         I've always felt our futures lay outside the world of academic achievement.

GEORGE: Fred, I've been thinking exactly the same thing.

Feeling sentimental? (Si se raznežil?)
That's private. (Moja stvar.)
Not to me. (Meni ne moreš skriti.)
And not to the Dark Lord, if you don't improve. (Niti Mrlakensteinu. Bolj se potrudi.)
Every memory he has access to is a weapon he can use against you. (Vsak tvoj spomin je zanj orožje proti tebi.)
You won't last two seconds if he invades your mind. (Če ti vdre v misli, bo po tebi.)
You're just like your father. (Čisto tak si kot tvoj oče.)
Lazy, arrogant. (Len in ošaben.)
Don't say a word against my father. (Niti besede čez mojega očeta!)
Weak. (Šibek.)
I'm not weak. (Ni res.)
Then prove it. (Dokaži.)
Control your emotions. (Obvladaj čustva.)
Discipline your mind. (Ukroti misli.)
Legilimens. (Chitlivium!)
Harry. ()
Sirius. (Sirius.)
I may vomit. (Še bruhal bom.)
Stop it. (Nehaj!)
Is this what you call control? (To je zate obvladanje?)
We've been at it for hours. If I could just rest. (Več ur vadiva. Počival bi!)
The Dark Lord isn't resting. (Mrlakenstein ne počiva.)
You and Black, you're two of a kind. (Ti in Black sta za skupaj.)
Sentimental children forever whining about how unfair your lives have been. (Mevžasta otroka, ki javkata o svoji usodi.)
Well, it may have escaped your notice, but life isn't fair. (Življenje ni pošteno, če še nisi opazil.)
Your blessed father knew that. In fact, he frequently saw to it. (Tvoj oče je vedel in skrbel, da ni bilo.)
My father was a great man. (Velik mož je bil!)
Your father was a swine. (Svinja je bil.)
Legilimens. (Chitlivium!)
Protego. (Hitinium!)
Come on, Moony, Padfoot. (Lunco, Tacmeister.)
Snape. Expelliarmus. (Raws! Zroxis!)
Nice one, James. (Bravo, James.)
Dad. (Očka.)
Impedimenta. (Oviralis!)
Snivellus Greasy.
Right. Who wants to see me take off Snivelly's trousers? (Kdo bi rad videl, kako bom Cmerausu slekel hlače?)
Snivellus Greasy.
Enough. (Dovolj.)
Enough. (Dovolj.)
Your lessons are at an end. (Končala sva z učenjem.)
I ...
Get out. (Ven.)
What's your name? (Kako ti je ime?)
Michael. (Michael.)
Your hand's gonna be fine, Michael. (Vse bo v redu s tvojo roko.)
Yeah. It's not as bad as it seems. See? (V resnici ni tako hudo. Vidiš?)
It's fading already. (Že izginja.)
You can hardly see ours anymore, and the pain stops after a while. (Najino se komaj še vidi. Čez nekaj časa neha boleti.)
As I told you once before, Mr. Potter ... (Kot sem ti že enkrat povedala,)
... naughty children deserve to be punished. (poredni otroci zaslužijo kazen.)
You know, George ... (Veš, George,)
... I've always felt our futures lay outside the world of academic achievement. (vedno sem vedel, da akademija ni za naju.)
Fred, I've been thinking exactly the same thing. (Fred, prav o tem sem razmišljal.)

Grop - Grawp

(audio 124. poglavja (3o. poglavje) = 3282 sekund ali 54min 42s, prebral: Stephen Fry)

(audio 124. poglavja (3o. poglavje) = 2674 sekund ali 44min 34s, prebral: Jim Dale)

(124. poglavje (3o. poglavje) = 517 stavkov, glej spodaj, prevedel: Jakob J. Kenda) 


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