
ponedeljek, 27. oktober 2008

KNJIGA ŠT. o5 - 11o. DEL (Pri Merjaščevi Glavi - In The Hog's Head) (o3oo)

15o - Pri Merjaščevi Glavi - In The Hog's Head

GRANGER: That foul, evil, old gargoyle.

                We're not learning how to defend ourselves.

                We're not learning how to pass our OWLs.

                She's taking over the entire school.

FUDGE: Security has been and will remain the Ministry's top priority.

           Furthermore, we have convincing evidence ...

           ... that these disappearances are the work ...

           ... of notorious mass murderer Sirius Black.

BLACK: Harry.

POTTER: Sirius.

              What are you doing here?

BLACK: Answering your letter.

           You said you were worried about Umbridge. What's she doing?

           Training you to kill half-breeds?

POTTER: She's not letting us use magic at all.

BLACK: Well, I'm not surprised.

           The latest intelligence is that Fudge doesn't want you trained in combat.

WEASLEY: Combat?

                What does he think, we're forming some sort of wizard army?

BLACK: That's exactly what he thinks.

           That Dumbledore is assembling his own forces to take on the Ministry.

           He's becoming more paranoid by the minute.

           The others wouldn't want me telling you this, Harry ...

           ... but things aren't going at all well with the Order.

           Fudge is blocking the truth at every turn ...

           ... and these disappearances are just how it started before.

           Voldemort is on the move.

POTTER: Well, what can we do?

BLACK: Someone's coming.

           I'm sorry I can't be of more help.

           But for now, at least, it looks like you're on your own.

GRANGER: He really is out there, isn't he?

                We've got to be able to defend ourselves.

                And if Umbridge refuses to teach us how, we need someone who will.


POTTER: This is mad. Who'd wanna be taught by me?

              I'm a nutter, remember?

WEASLEY: Look on the bright side: you can't be any worse than old toad face.

POTTER: Thanks, Ron.

WEASLEY: I'm here for you, mate.

POTTER: Who's supposed to be meeting us, then?

GRANGER: Just a couple of people.

WEASLEY: Lovely spot.

GRANGER: Thought it would be safer off the beaten track.

ABERFORTH: Matey, come back here.


                So you all know why we're here.

                We need a teacher.

                A proper teacher.

                One who's had experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts.



                 Because You-Know-Who's back, you tosspot.

SMITH: So he says.

GRANGER: So Dumbledore says.

SMITH: So Dumbledore says because he says.

          The point is, where's the proof?

CORNER: If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed ...

POTTER: I'm not gonna talk about Cedric, so if that's why you're here, clear out now.

              Come on, Hermione. They're here because they think I'm some freak.

LOVEGOOD: Is it true you can produce a Patronus Charm?


                I've seen it.

THOMAS: Blimey, Harry. I didn't know you could do that.

LONGBOTTOM: And he killed a basilisk, with the sword in Dumbledore's office.

GINNY: It's true.

WEASLEY: Third year, he fought off about a hundred Dementors at once.

GRANGER: Last year, he really did fight off You-Know-Who in the flesh.


              Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that ...

              ... but the truth is, most of that was just luck.

              I didn't know what I was doing half the time. I nearly always had help.

GRANGER: He's just being modest.

POTTER: No, Hermione, I'm not.

              Facing this stuff in real life is not like school.

              In school, if you make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow.

              But out there ...

              ... when you're a second away from being murdered ...

              ... or watching a friend die right before your eyes ...

              You don't know what that's like.

GRANGER: You're right, Harry, we don't.

                That's why we need your help.

                Because if we're going to have any chance at beating ...

                ... Voldemort ...

WOLPERT: He's really back.

That foul, evil, old gargoyle. (Pokvarjena stara gargojlovka.)
We're not learning how to defend ourselves. (Ne učimo se braniti.)
We're not learning how to pass our OWLs. (Ne učimo se za malo maturo.)
She's taking over the entire school. (Prevzela bo nadzor nad šolo.)
Security has been and will remain the Ministry's top priority. (Varnost je bila in bo prva skrb Ministrstva.)
Furthermore, we have convincing evidence ... (Imamo prepričljive dokaze,)
... that these disappearances are the work ... (da ljudje izginjajo po zaslugi)
... of notorious mass murderer Sirius Black. (razvpitega množičnega morilca Siriusa Blacka.)
Harry. (Harry.)
Sirius. (Sirius.)
What are you doing here? (Kaj počneš tu?)
Answering your letter. (Odgovarjam ti na pismo.)
You said you were worried about Umbridge. What's she doing? (Glede Temyne. Kaj počne?)
Training you to kill half-breeds? (Vas uči pobijati polljudi?)
She's not letting us use magic at all. (Ne smemo čarati.)
Well, I'm not surprised. (Nisem presenečen.)
The latest intelligence is that Fudge doesn't want you trained in combat. (Schushmaar noče, da bi bili izurjeni za spopade.)
Combat? (Spopade?)
What does he think, we're forming some sort of wizard army? (Mar misli, da imamo čarovniško vojsko?)
That's exactly what he thinks. (Točno.)
That Dumbledore is assembling his own forces to take on the Ministry. (Da bo Dumbledore z njo napadel Ministrstvo.)
He's becoming more paranoid by the minute. (Vse bolj paranoičen postaja.)
The others wouldn't want me telling you this, Harry ... (Drugi ne bi hoteli, da ti to povem.)
... but things aren't going at all well with the Order. (Prav nič dobro nam ne kaže.)
Fudge is blocking the truth at every turn ... (Schushmaar prikriva resnico.)
... and these disappearances are just how it started before. (Tudi takrat se je začelo z izginjanjem.)
Voldemort is on the move. (Mrlakenstein ne izgublja časa.)
Well, what can we do? (Kaj lahko naredimo?)
Someone's coming. (Nekdo gre!)
I'm sorry I can't be of more help. (Žal mi je, ker ne morem bolj pomagati.)
But for now, at least, it looks like you're on your own. (Za zdaj kaže, da se boste morali znajti sami.)
He really is out there, isn't he? (Res preži na nas, ne?)
We've got to be able to defend ourselves. (Znati se moramo braniti.)
And if Umbridge refuses to teach us how, we need someone who will. (Če nas noče naučiti Temyna, nas bo kdo drug.)
Harry. (Harry.)
This is mad. Who'd wanna be taught by me? (Kdo bi hotel, da ga učim jaz?)
I'm a nutter, remember? (Za norega me imajo.)
Look on the bright side: you can't be any worse than old toad face. (Dobra stran je, da ne moreš biti slabši od tiste spake.)
Thanks, Ron. (Hvala, Ron.)
I'm here for you, mate. (Podpiram te.)
Who's supposed to be meeting us, then? (Kdo naj bi še prišel?)
Just a couple of people. (Samo nekaj ljudi.)
Lovely spot. (Lep kraj.)
Thought it would be safer off the beaten track. (Varneje je nekje na samem.)
Matey, come back here.
Hi. (Živjo.)
So you all know why we're here. (Vsi veste, zakaj smo se zbrali.)
We need a teacher. (Potrebujemo učitelja.)
A proper teacher. (Pravega učitelja.)
One who's had experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts. (Ki se zna braniti pred mračnimi silami.)
Why? (Zakaj?)
Because You-Know-Who's back, you tosspot. (Ker se je Mrlakenstein vrnil, tepec.)
So he says. (Tako pravi on.)
So Dumbledore says. (Tako pravi Dumbledore.)
So Dumbledore says because he says. (Ker pravi on.)
The point is, where's the proof? (Ampak kje je dokaz?)
If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed ... (Naj nam pove, kako je Diggory umrl.)
I'm not gonna talk about Cedric, so if that's why you're here, clear out now. (O Cedricu ne bom govoril. Če ste tu zato, kar pojdite.)
Come on, Hermione. They're here because they think I'm some freak. (Gremo. Prišli so, ker me imajo za čudaka.)
Is it true you can produce a Patronus Charm? (Je res, da znaš priklicati varuha?)
Yes. (Ja.)
I've seen it. (Videla sem.)
Blimey, Harry. I didn't know you could do that. (Hudirja, Harry. Nisem vedel.)
And he killed a basilisk, with the sword in Dumbledore's office. (Pa baziliska je ubil z mečem v Dumbledorjevi pisarni.)
It's true. (Ja.)
Third year, he fought off about a hundred Dementors at once. (Pregnal je sto morakvarjev.)
Last year, he really did fight off You-Know-Who in the flesh. (In lani je zares ugnal Mrlakensteina.)
Wait. (Počakajte.)
Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that ... (Ko tako govorite, je vse lepo slišati,)
... but the truth is, most of that was just luck. (ampak v resnici sem imel predvsem srečo.)
I didn't know what I was doing half the time. I nearly always had help. (Nisem vedel, kaj delam. Imel sem pomoč.)
He's just being modest. (Samo skromen je.)
No, Hermione, I'm not. (Ne, Hermiona, nisem.)
Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. (Ko se s temi rečmi srečaš v resnici, ni kot v šoli.)
In school, if you make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow. (Če narediš napako v šoli, jo popraviš.)
But out there ... (Ko pa v resnici)
... when you're a second away from being murdered ... (manjka samo še sekunda do tvoje smrti)
... or watching a friend die right before your eyes ... (ali ko ti pred očmi umira prijatelj ...)
You don't know what that's like. (Ne veste, kako je.)
You're right, Harry, we don't. (Prav imaš, res ne vemo.)
That's why we need your help. (Zato potrebujemo tvojo pomoč.)
Because if we're going to have any chance at beating ... (Če hočemo premagati)
... Voldemort ... (Mrlakensteina ...)
He's really back. (Res se je vrnil.)

Pri Merjaščevi Glavi - In The Hog's Head

(audio 11o. poglavja (o16. poglavje) = 228o sekund ali 38min oos, prebral: Stephen Fry)

(audio 11o. poglavja (o16. poglavje) = 217o sekund ali 36min 1os, prebral: Jim Dale)

(11o. poglavje (o16. poglavje) = 517 stavkov, glej spodaj, prevedel: Jakob J. Kenda) 


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